Thursday, April 12, 2012

Balance Haste Breakpoint... Importance of?

[:1]Okay, so I need some help from some of the more knowledgeable Boomies.

I just got Funeral Pyre off of Beth'tilac tonight. Now, as you probably know, it's itemization isn't great, and as a result of replacing Incineratus and Book of Binding Will with it, I can no longer make the 1929 haste breakpoint and remain hit capped.

Currently, I'm reforged to be hit capped, the question is how important is the haste breakpoint, and how much of a DPS increase is it. I'm currently sitting at 66 pts below the breakpoint, and I've done almost everything I can to hit it.

So, I have a couple of options...

a) Go back to my Eng Goggles, by doing this I get: -24 int, -49hit, -119crit, +130 haste
b) Replace all four of my +40 int gems, with +20int +20 spirit. I lose 80 int, but gain 80 spirit.
c) Don't worry about the haste breakpoint until I get a new piece of gear that will allow me to hit it easily.
d) Don't worry about the hit cap and shoot for the haste breakpoint.

Would love to get your guys thoughts and what you suggest here.


Since the t11 4p bonus is so meh now, would it be worth picking up the t11 resto gloves and using that plus the ODS shoulders instead of the 2 tier pieces?
the breakpoint is huge.

to be honest, i wouldn't even use that staff. i'm not rolling on any firelands weapons until rag's hammer. (or tarecgosa's rest, obv, but i doubt i'll get that. lots of casters and i'm still basically the new kid in the group.)
Hitting the haste breakpoint is definitely more important than keeping your T11 4pc bonus, which is pretty much useless now. I agree with the previous poster who suggested using the resto t11 gloves, that's what I'm doing ATM.

Also, there is a spi/haste staff that is on the shared loot table for all FL bosses, which is obviously better than either of the other 2 staff options. Haven't seen it drop yet, mind you.
Okay, so I can go offset on my gloves, sadly I sold the ODS shoulders a while back, after I got my 4 pc, but I can try farming again. So, do you really think that is the better option then regemming for hit, instead of +40 int? In other words:

a) + 102 hit, -102 crit, - 4pc set bonus


b) -80 int, + 80 hit

a) is replacing my gloves with the resto tier piece, b) is the regemming route. It really does seem like b) is the better option. Granted, the 4pc bonus isn't that great anymore, but it is still 15% crit for 8 seconds, which does affect dot ticks.
I went ahead and regemmed for Spirit, thanks for all your input guys, I think I did the right thing.
Seems you got it all figured out, but just for future reference, this sort of question is exactly what wrathcalcs was made for. It can give you an answer more efficiently and more accurately than just fiddling around or asking here.
I don't have Excel and for some reason WrathCalcs doesn't like OpenOffice :( This was last time I checked, a couple weeks ago, maybe I'll give it another go.
Hrmmm, yeah. I know historically they've had trouble getting it to work in OO. But I feel like they fixed that before. Maybe it got borked again. :( my sympathies.
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