Saturday, April 14, 2012

Raid Healing Ragnaros as druid?

[:1]assigned on the left side (melee side), I'm out of range of the tanks. This is a unique situation for me because I do not have a tank to place LB on. Should I spend the GCDs to LB myself constantly for the mana regen, or just don't worry about LBs and focus on raid healing?\

FYI: is being weird right now and won't let me switch my toon to my druid character for this post. Not posting on an alt on purpose.
I don't know the rag fight, but if you don't have a tank to put it on, put it on people that might take or are taking damage just for the healing, mana regen, OOC, and replenishment.
Do you mean 25man with this? If it's 10man I don't think all of us are handling the positioning in this fight in the same way. If you do mean 10man then what do you mean by "left side"? Myself and my co-healers are within range of everyone in our raid at all times. While we may have had issues while working on the fight, range was the least of them.
When I had this problem on P1 Al'Akir, I'd just stack it on myself, then move it to the tank when I could. I don't know the Rag fight, but if you never touch the tank, just keep it on yourself. More important for you to live than a dps anyhow. =)
If it's 10 man you guys are spread out way too far. You can get "behind" him from just to the side a touch, well within range of everybody. If it's P3 melee can go off by themselves anyway and won't need healing unless they mess something up (and then it's usually going to 1 shot them so).
The question is in regard to 25 man. P1 I can kinda squeeze middle enough to hit tank and melee however phase 2 I'm not supposed to stand in the middle, so go left side for melee. Definately cannot reach the tank.

But yeah the consensus seems to be that I should be self stacking when not in tank range
Always keep up a 3 stack
I get what you mean, I prefer to keep Lifebloom stacked on myself when not in range of a tank. However, if you can find a sweet spot that puts you in range of the left raid and the tanks, that would be ideal, although in my attempts I have not been able to get in a position like that. Better to just stand toward the left and follow your assignment, letting the other healers handle the tank, than to be in the wrong place and cause problems.
Always 3 stacks of LB. So definitly keep it up on yourself only other option would be the bomb dude if he's normally in range of you. I only do 10man so I have a bit more room to move so not sure if thats an option either.

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