Saturday, April 14, 2012

Feral PvP Weapon (S9) Question


I am new to feral PvP and have no idea which S9 weapon to go with. I read that weapon damage affects feral attacks, and that it is the first piece of gear you should purchase. The Vicious Gladiator's Pike has more weapon damage, but is slower than the Vicious Gladiator's Staff, which has less damage. I am not sure if weapon speed even matters to a feral. Most ferals I have checked out seem to use the staff rather than the polearm, but the polearm seems like it would be better. But yeah, I really have no idea which one is best. :P

Which weapon is better? >.>

Thanks a lot! :)
They are exactly the same. Weapon damage range and speed does not matter for feral. only dps.
Since Feral Druids (Cat & Bear Form) attack at the same speed regardless of weapon, the damage that the staff does scales to how fast the Druid attacks. As example,
The Vicious Gladiator's Pikes damage is 1795-2693 and swings every 3.60 seconds, so let's say cat form swings every 1.80 seconds (Half of the Vicious Gladiator's Pikes speed), each swing will do 897.5-1346.5 damage. So really, as long as you're in cat / bear form and it has the same DPS it doesn't matter which one will hit harder or which one will swing faster. So just pick which one looks better to you, personally I like the staffs looks.
Thanks a lot guys, I really appreciate the responses! I like the staff, too. :)

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