Saturday, April 14, 2012

NEW Treants will change abilities by spec!

[:1]I absolutely love the idea of my Treants changing abilities by spec...basically a Druid version of the Pally Guardian. New MoP talent that anyone can take mentions this in the tooltip.

I can't wait to have treants that heal while I'm in Tree Form!
Our treants that auto attack the boss in moonkin form for extra damage! Oh... wait...
another Zerg bites the dust to this build ;)

although Horst I believe it is time you came out with a PvT build challenge, PvT is now my hardest match-up :(. MM blows right through my gateway units and Colossus below:

Did I jump forums? Why is there an SC2 post on my druid forums?! LOLOL

To the OP, im rather curious as well. Would be interesting to see what they come up with.

EDIT: Its gone now :( That was so weird.

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