Thursday, April 12, 2012

A Resto Struggling on AoE's

[:1]Been barely a week since I started playing Restoration spec. I'm doing well enough in Cata regulars and have an equiped item level that barely allows me access to Heroic Troll runs but chose to try Cata heroics first and I'm managing to hang on on trash pulls.

However, when it comes to the boss fights with AoE's firing off, I'm barely hanging on and that's usually after a couple wipes. Though I end fights low on mana, it's rare to be below 20% at the end of that fight even when I'm pulling out all the stops.

My first Cata-H attempt was in Blackrock and my second in Shadowfang Keep.

Before the pull, I place 3 stacks of Lifebloom on the tank along with a Rejuvenate chaser and swiftmind once tank and boss meet using Nourish or Healing Touch to keep Lifebloom going as well as keeping my mastery buff up. I use Wild Growth and Rejuv on everyone else with a swiftmend switch to non-tanking characters when needed. I save Regrowth for those "uh oh" moments and Tranquility in an emergency.

Am I doing anything wrong? Gear, talents, glyphs, rotation? I need help.

Looks like your gems are wonky. You want Int on all gems. Don't use pure haste/Mastery/spirit gems. Only really go for Int socket bonuses. Use 2 orange gems to get the meta gem bonus. It doesn't look like you could make the 2005 haste breakpoint, so you should probably drop down to 915 haste and reforge what you can into mastery. Rotation looks good, just be careful with the rejuvs flying out, because they could drain your mana. That's what I could tell.
Wild Growth for AOE situations, with rejuvs sprinkled about. If that's not enough then pop Tranq. Most classes also have abilities they can use for self heals, and they need to use them in high AOE damage situations to help keep themselves alive.
I'm assuming you're also using Tree of Life? Depending on how heavy the AoE damage is, I may go ToL and throw 2 LB stacks on the party, and go back and attach a third stack. (2LB stacks, wild growth for maintenance, then the 3rd LB stack). If I've used ToL and AOE is still heavy, I use tranq.

Oh and in ToL, if you start with WG then toss out LB stacks, WG should be ready again. I will say that when you first start heroics in can be a challenge, but remember that it's OK if health bars are hovering around 50% (perhaps even 40% for DPS.)
WG, swiftmend, a couple rejuv's work wonders for aoe healing. aside from tranq
You also have nature's grace. When you proc that your rejuvs, WG, tranquility, etc all have extra ticks. If you know aoe is coming out, use a regrowth, proc the 15% haste then start the real rotation and you'll have higher output.
Thanks everyone, will give it a try. :)

Few more questions. What rotation would you recommend when switching to AoE management that requires rejuvs as well as WG without LB dropping on the tank? I always seem to have a problem keeping the 3 stacks of LB up when I'm switching to AoE damage healing.

Other question is when using ToL, how many stacks should I maintain of LB on everyone in the group or should I just use LB on those that need it most and how many stacks would be recommended then? Or should I not bother maintaining multi-player LB's and let them fade out for the extra healing at the end?

I don't like spreading lifeblooms on everyone. I much prefer just rejuving everything and wild growthing the group (make sure you cast wild growth in the middle most person so it hits everyone in case everyone's spread out). See if you can get everyone down to about 50% at the same time then cast tranquility. Tranquility is by far our best spell. Use it on cooldown every time.

Do NOT forget about your herbalism haste buff. It's so nice. If you really do want to life bloom stack people while in ToL, then 2 should be sufficient for really heavy aoe. Don't bother if you only have time for 1 stack. I just think your global cooldowns are better used elsewhere.

Get really good at using your omen of clarity procs well. That made my life so much easier way back when I was learning to heal. Use regrowth on omen of clarity procs to refresh lifebloom on the tank. Good luck
ToL can be used as a very efficient mana regen cd. Just sprinkle single stack LBs on the group, use the extra OOC procs to RG whoever needs it, and you'll likely end up with a mana gain overall. Downside is that it takes a lot of GCDs to set up LBs, so if there'a heavy AOE going out, you'll probably be unable to do this.

Most posters have already covered the essentials, so I'll get into a few specifics. You mentioned that you ran BRC and SFK and were having problems on boss fights during heavy AOE.

In BRC, the only fight I can recall with possible heavy AOE would be the first boss (if people stand in the quakes without moving) and Karsh (if the tank messes up the boss' stacks). In both occasions, it's not really you that's the problem - it's them.

For SFK, the first boss does a huge AOE, but it's important to note that you don't have to top up the DPS instantly. You just need to get them above ~15-20%hp so they don't get gibbed by his interruptible spell (which the DPS/tank should be interrupting anyway). Of course, you'll want to top everyone up just prior to his Archangel form, but that can be done with a simple Tranq.

The other 2 fights with heavy AOE (Springvale and Walden), it's more about other people avoiding damage than you healing them through it. Don't beat yourself up over your mana issues. Sometimes, it's down to encounter design and the players you run with rather than any fault of your own. My advice would be to try out more Heroics (your achievements list you as only having done 2) to get a better idea of whether you need improvement or not.
It's ok to use tranquility. You don’t have to save it for near wipes. The CD on it is low enough that you might even get it twice on a boss fight and once per trash. It took me a while to learn to let go. Our healing styles seem to be very similar. Though I confess I don't use nourish or regrowth. Also, it's ok to sometimes refresh LB with LB. Especially if it's a heavy AOE fight or you need to be mobile.

It will get a lot easier when you'll know the fights and can anticipate damage.
I need to get in the habit of using tranquility more often. It's such a useful spell. Even if you notice people are GOING to take damage, just pop it.
Yeah the Troll dungeons are pretty hard to heal. Personally I dont feel bad when a DPS dies because he didn't use his cool downs or was being stupid. I give them a second chance but after that I will let them die because I can't waste additional mana and cool downs on someone who just doesn't want to move out of the way.

I have the problem that Maiz mentioned where I don't use Tranquility early. I always save it for the last effort but I am starting to break that habit. I cast tranq now when all of my party is 50% or below.

Also make sure you innervate often and early. You normally dont want to let your mana dip below 60% if you have innervate off CD.

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