Saturday, April 14, 2012

Druid Endgame?

[:1]i love being resto, but seeing how bad the nerfs are im starting to get discouraged. Tanking and healing are my two loves however it appears druids are lacking in both the further into this expansion we get. Suggestions for endgame would be appreciated. Id like to hear from other druids what they think that have already reached endgame. Thanks!

Bear tanking is perfectly fine atm. Feral dps is a bit lacking but still viable, moonkin is even better, esply on multidot fights. Healing nerfs we will see how it goes into next tier fights, it's too early to call anything on 4.3. This isnt the end of the xpack by far. If any of those roles get below viable blizzard will fix it.

TLDR - play whatever spec/role is more fun your you.

You arent jumping into endgame yet. You arent even 85 yet. By the time you reach endgame (if you reach it at all) everything will change a few times.. Nerfs/buffs happen all the time. But one thing i can assure you, no druid role shall ever drop into uselessness. Whether it's tanking, or healing, or melee or spell damage. Blizzard wont let this happen. Some single "pure" classes specs may drop below viable in competitive end game but not hybrid specs, cuz they are different roles as well and are treated more like separate classes rather than just specs. And it's not speculation, blizz themselves told us so, and have been true to that through all cata.
Stop being stupid.

Trees are receiving a justified 4.3 nerf of 20% to wild growth - and yet they'll still be awesome.
Bears are awesome with stupidly high dps on top of 40-45% dodge, 55k armor, 18% passive reduction 6% further spell reduction and similar health pools to the ctc guys forced to wield avoidance/mastery trinkets.
Boomkins are also very sexy so it's just kittehs who are only average at best.
thanks for the replies they are very appreciated ^^

Blizzard doesn't randomly throw nerfs into the game willy-nilly.

They're going to look at parses of raid combats performed on the PTR and look at where Druid healing is in relation to everyone else. If it's not where they want it to be, they'll adjust it. They even said in the balancing explanation post "that may be all we need to do, but we'll look at the numbers to make sure."

Blizzard has acknowledged on multiple occaisions that druid healing needs to be high to justify bringing them to a raid. Their goal isn't to make us worse healers than every other healing spec. If this change has that effect, expect it to be tweaked.

We can talk in theoreticals and simulations all we want, but Blizzard looks at logs of combats done in the PTR to base their decisions. The final changes will be based on what they see in those logs. If you're concerned about this change, download the PTR and do some Firelands runs so that they have some parses to look at.
This is not the first time we have been hit with a nerf bat. We will survive and still top the meters /flex.
Why is it all about the pve. dragon fights get nerfed all the time. what about the people that can't heal an arena game as resto because we get TARGET CHARGE STUN DEAD in 3 seconds. PvP resto druids need love too. If blizz wants to keep the healing output in pve but balance pvp then why don't they change our pvp set and give it more healing and increase the surivability on it. Every rdruid !@#$%es about how the healing is complete garbage in arenas.

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