Saturday, April 21, 2012


So, I've been thinking of maybe becoming a troll. Do they have good animations, looks, forms, etc? Also do they actually look good in druid gear? Just thinking about it and any of info would be greatly appreciated :)
I like my Troll's animations a lot more than the Tauren's. Plus, you don't look ridiculous on mounts. FemTrolls and FemNelves look pretty much the same in the gear so you would get used to a Troll quickly.

And the best part... You can fit through all doorways as a Troll! Not that you had that problem as a Nelf but I can tell you it was very annoying having to dismount to get off the elevator in UC.
dont do it!

i would never give up my warstomp for da VOODOO SHUFFLE!
Teal bear > *
Berserk + lifeblood + natures grace + some decent gear = a 1.2 second cast starfire.

Trolls are cute, too. I think they look good in the current balance t10.
i transferred to troll, love my cat form. however the bear form somehow looks like boar form to me
Race changed as soon as my server came up, loving my troll forms (except flight form which is still a bird)

I guess its down to the fact that my first ever character was Tauren in 2004 and i have gotten a little tired of not getting through doors and looking a bit goofy on some mounts lol.

Had some nice comments when i logged in outside of Org and the obligatory "You look stupid" one's too hehe but hey i like it so that is all that matters. Love the casting animations, i always have as i have a Troll Shammy also.

As for racials i just like the troll ones better, warstomp is nice but i hardly used it to be honest and i have been using Berserk a lot so far.
Yeah I'm doing the race change now looking forward to having two berserks
So, I've been thinking of maybe becoming a troll.

By posting on these forums, you are automatically becoming a troll.
So trolling as a troll makes you and I a legitimate, genuine troll.

Which drains down to the fact that you are a systemic anomaly inherent to the programming of
the Paid Race Change service although the transport process has altered your consciousness you irrevocably remain trollo-sapiens

Following that logic, if you are not a troll and trolling, you are discrediting yourself.
Ergo! Concordantly! vis-a-vie!: go pay the $25! and enjoy the prestige!
yes. trolls are the best race in the game.
Why would anyone want to be a hideous technicolor clown?
Thanks for all the posts! I'm most likely going to become one of the sen'jin troll druids :)
My two cents:

Trolls were always my favorite race. My Shaman Main is a Troll, the first character I made for the game was a Troll, I'm biased. The new starting area makes it all the better.

The Bear/Cat forms rock about equally to the others, though all races are pretty cool in their own way.

Moonkin is just a Pallette-swap of Nelf (as is Worgen), so it depends how you feel about that.

Swift Flight Form is a freakin' sweet bat.

So, that's why I made another Troll and another Druid yesterday, though while this toon is Balance I might spec the troll Feral. If any of this appeals to you, don't wait another second.

I found myself transferring servers and factions just the other day to a troll druid to join my friend on Jaedenar. I too was a Night Elf, starting probably four years ago absolutely loving the race and forms...They were just amazing to me!

To be honest though I really didn't think Blizzard could outdo the Night Elves with Troll druids. Oh man was I wrong. There is not one thing I dislike about my druid now. I really think you'd enjoy the change - even if you just wanted a change of looks (though waiting for Worgen might be better for you, since there's no faction change involved). Plus, things are only projected to get better with the "bat" form! :D

If you do change, enjoy it my friend. I highly doubt you'll be disappointed.

Haha thanks! Glad knowing that there is a better race for a druid then night elf :)

Fairly new Resto Druid - NEED Advice please!

Howdy Druid Forums,

I recently decided to become a Resto Druid. With the help of some friends and after a long heroic grind, I've attained somewhat decent gear. I just am still unsure as to how exactly I should be gemming. I hear hitting the 2005 haste cap is extremely important and I'm pretty far from it.

I've been reforging mastery and gemming pretty much int. With my gear is that still a good idea or should I completely go to Haste?

Lastly, any problems with my talent tree/glyphs?

I appreciate all the help!
Personally, I'd drop 1 from Furor and put it into Moonglow.

Here is how I have mine done:

I logged out on my bear spec so I can't remember how I did my other stuff.

However, until you get some different gear, the 2005 mark is hard to get. Shoot, I'm only at 1700ish with higher level gear. Don't sacrifice INT for Haste.
Hitting the 2005 mark is tricky, but It's still attainable with less than optimal gear. Basically you have to sacrifice your spirit. As druids we don't need it anyways, but unlike before, it will force you to be incredibly mana conscious.

If there is no way with your current gear to hit 2005, your best staying at 916, and reforging everything to Mastery.

Check your gear against to see if you can optimize it.

reroll resto shaman. resto druid are so horrible in pvp atm.
Personally, I'd drop 1 from Furor and put it into Moonglow.

Here is how I have mine done:

I logged out on my bear spec so I can't remember how I did my other stuff.

However, until you get some different gear, the 2005 mark is hard to get. Shoot, I'm only at 1700ish with higher level gear. Don't sacrifice INT for Haste.

Dont follow his spec, He hasnt even taken natures swiftness instead placing the point into blessing of the grove which is lackluster unless using a full hps build which sacrifices even more mana regen.

For your spec move points out of living seed and put atleast two into natures bounty, if you find yourself tank healing alot or want to keep our mastery up easier then go 3/3.
Awesome, appreciate all the help!!!
@Nova I dont PVP :D. I have a boomkin set for BG's but I'm resto for PVE.

@Joedysart. Thanks I'll take out of Living Seed and put em into natures bounty.

@anyone - I have a little bit of trouble with managing my mana at times. Innervate works well at times but what is a general way to manage my Mana a bit better? Any addons to monitor hots so I don't overlap etc etc.

Thanks everyone and I'll be keeping my mastery/Int

Dont follow his spec, He hasnt even taken natures swiftness instead placing the point into blessing of the grove which is lackluster unless using a full hps build which sacrifices even more mana regen.

For your spec move points out of living seed and put atleast two into natures bounty, if you find yourself tank healing alot or want to keep our mastery up easier then go 3/3.

I really like this site:

I got my talent spec from:
It's about 1/2 way down the page.

Personally, adding 4% to rejuv to me is better than Nature's Swiftness in the long run. Nature's swiftness is every 3 minutes. In that time, I've used Rejuv a ton.
Natures swiftness is only a 3min cd if you aren't glyphed fr it.......which you should be :) since the innervate glyph blows now.

Question for PVP boomkins

Should I be going for the 4 piece set or 2 and 2? I jsut started pvping again and realized how much solar cleaves own in BG's lmao.

Also, is luanr shower necessary for pvp? does it help more than hurt in msot situations? Like I said above, theres a lot of times where I like staying solar and shrooming
anyone? :(
Sorry, all boomkins are out playing ferals atm.
heads up the 2 and 2 bonus doesn't work anymore...4 set piece is the only that works. Lunar shower is important because of the reduced mana effects. and also the direct damage done from it... Yes moonfire spam isn't really recommended but in tight situations...Also when you spread damage in a BG you wont go oom.

Also just shrooming is not really...good, but not much pressure. Its better for traps if anything else

4 set piece and yes it helps because againts hunters the best strategy is since if you gte in melee range spam moonfire and insta starsurge when it procs they cant do anything
2&2 dosent work..go 4...and u do need lunar shower...because what if u r goin aginst a pally..he is about 5-10% hp left he pops bubble and runs u dnt have time to sit and hardcast,he will get away but if he dose run, run with him and spam MF keep on moveing so u have lunar shower up..its a great talent and saved me from a couple deaths myself.

Feral PVP Spec

I'm looking for a PVP Spec for Feral. I didn't see a specific PVP spec in the sticky's. Most of the sites I've googled have out of date info on them as well.

I'm also looking for an attack priority too. :) Thanks!
My spec is more or less the norm for pvp though there are always a couple points you move around for flavor.
Thanks Nightstalker. :)
Deleted by Dragônfly
1) shift into bear

2) mash buttons

3) win

how hard is it?

Depends on how bad your opponents are. If I was fighting you, I'm sure that strat would work just fine.
No problem my fellow druid. Remember to learn to master your use of shadowmeld as it is game changing at high end arena if used correctly :)

can check my second spec if you want. i'm in pve gear atm though.

lots of good info there.

please like and request sticky.
Hey Ellesîme you stole my spec!!


And pls request sticky of Spammers thread!

no you stole mine!

grats on shiny set btw :).
lol, i've got a 85 druid as well. it works just fine for just about anybody 1v1.

you act like druid is hard or something.

edit* deleted to avoid dbags like you, but alas- there are just so many of you.

I wasn't aware the only PvP in this game was 1v1. I may be a dbag but you're an arrogant moron, and that's the worst kind. I think I've got 1-up on you so far.

Play your Druid past 2200 with something other than kittycleave and let me know how well you do.
there should be some sort of screening process to post on the class forums imo.

can check my second spec if you want. i'm in pve gear atm though.

lots of good info there.

please like and request sticky.

As soon as I posted this one, I saw that one. LOL. I watched the vids and read a lot of the links. Great info!

groovy. i hope you liked and requested sticky, the mods have been suuppper slow getting to it....
I see people putting 1 point in Fury Swipes and 1 in Primal Madness, then others ignoring Primal Madness and just putting both points in Fury Swipes. Is this a matter of preference? They both appear to be pretty great.

1/2 in primal madness let's you get two shreds back to back after a zero energy TF.

1/3 fury swipes cause free damage is good and there isn't a better place for 1pt.

honestly you can move those points as you wish, perseverance in resto is a good choice for a more defensive build.
Some people take 1/2 Primal Madness because technically it's an extra Shred after you Tiger's Fury. On the other hand, Fury Swipes is a consistent form of RNG damage, which other people like to have.

I prefer taking neither and instead put my points in 2/3 Perseverance. I don't have a problem putting out burst damage and don't like putting any faith in RNG (though this full crit reforge build is working out incredibly well). The 4% damage reduction, however minimal, helps a bit against spellcleaves in 3s which is pretty much every other team above 2k rating.
Yeah those two pts are free for you to spend where you want them in most cases it wont win or lose you a game but just do what you like more.

Thanks as well Ellesîme I got my gear but our healer quit to focus on school so my other partner and I are just sitting around doing double dps in 2s until we find a new one haha.

stupid question on hybrid feral spec

So I've decided to try and make this toon a hybrid feral. I kind of already know the answer but I feel like I should ask anyway.. once I'm 85 will I be grinding for 2 sets of leather since bear and cat are gemmed differently? I would assume so since it seems costly to gem dodge/agility constantly to change my role.

Also while I'm on topic.. going hybrid.. when doing cat dps I realize I won't have as great an output.. but will the difference be big enough that I won't ever be accepted for raiding or anything? or put much simpler will I be pulling at least 10-14k dps if I do my rotations right?

Leveling question

Leveling Boomkin, and would like some basic assistance on what spells to use in what order. I'm taking a lot of damage just trying to throw out dots and do the correct eclipse spells. Is there a "leveling rotation" of some sort?


Firelands Raiding Prep Feral DPS

Should I farm up honor pvp gear or the 359 justice gear for entry level feral dps in firelands?


[Suggesion] Druid Mastery

The druid mastery deals with any "direct" heal. Well, shouldn't the Lifebloom "bloom" effect be counted as a direct heal? If for no other reason than the fact that Regrowth's initial heal counts. Essentially, Lifebloom is just a backwards form of Regrowth.

Just wondering if tis was done on purpose or perhaps just overlooked.


Edit: If this is in the wrong forum i'm quite sorry. please redirect me
Anybody know?
Regrowth is a direct heal with a heal over time component.

Lifebloom is a heal over time spell with a direct heal component.

The two spells reverse their core and secondary componenents. In both cases, their interaction with Mastery is dictated by their core component.

Regrowth always benefits from Mastery because its core component is a direct heal.
Lifebloom benefits from Mastery when it is cast/refreshed under the influence of Harmony because its core component is a heal over time.
The new, current Mastery is amazing. Casting Nourish once increases your TOTAL healing done by X% ? -- C'mon. That was really nice of Blizzard to do.

Any word on the Unheeded Warning Nerf?

Whats the 411? Also, you guys think a Predatory Strikes nerf is imminent? I dont think one is required, but I wouldnt be surprised.
From what I read they were changing the trinket to proc attack power not weapon damage but not sure if it was rumor or truth.
From what I read they were changing the trinket to proc attack power not weapon damage but not sure if it was rumor or truth.

The change is already in place, it was hotfixed last week.

Yes, I know the tooltip hasn't changed. Tooltips don't change during hotfixes. The tooltip will be updated in the next client patch (which is currently on the PTR).
It seems that Tuesday with the US server resets, the change was implemented, though on some servers it may have taken a bit longer to go into effect. I didn't notice a change Tuesday night when I was raiding, though a day after that I did notice a sizeable decrease in damage.
I tested it myself this week. The tooltip for the trinket and for the buff it procs still say 680 weapon damage. But the information on the character screen shows the truth. It gives you 1928 AP (plus an additional 25% from Aggression).

I've been checking several forums and the best I can find seems to show that Unheeded Warning is now on par with other trinkets of it's item level, possibly about equal with Fluid Death for the best CatDPS trinkets level 359. Some simulations show it a bit lower in the list.
I've been checking several forums and the best I can find seems to show that Unheeded Warning is now on par with other trinkets of it's item level, possibly about equal with Fluid Death for the best CatDPS trinkets level 359. Some simulations show it a bit lower in the list.

Everything I've read shows that of the 359 trinkets, Fluid Death is now on top, followed by the other AGI trinkets, which are all very close to one another (including UHW). It's possible that H Tia's Grace may actually be in the middle of that.

If you're Revered with Avengers, the Ancient Petrified Seed should repace your UHW.

Class Feedback - Druid (Continued)

As many of you have probably noticed the original thread has reached it's post limit, I however still had something I needed to post and anyone else who needs to also feel free to do so.

■What type of content do you focus on? [Both, as mostly Balance]

■If PvE, what type of PvE? [Heroics, as Balance]

■If PvP, what type of PvP? [Arenas, and BGs. (I had a level 80 druid during wrath of the lich king, but due to no longer liking tauren forms rerolled troll]
■What are your biggest quality-of-life issues? For instance, no longer requiring ammo could be considered a quality-of-life improvement for hunters. Not needing reagants to buff the raid or Battleground grp.
■What makes playing your class more fun? Being a death-bringing boomchicken, and being unique
■What makes playing your class less fun? Bash missing and Cyclone being resisted

■How do you feel about your “rotation”? (Rotation is the accepted order in which abilities are used to maximum efficiency.) I feel it is a engaging and challenging/fun rotation that should remain the way it is.
■What’s on your wish list for your class? 1.)For moonkin form to stay a PERMANENT form forever. Not turn it into a CD. Lots of people play as Balance for the thrill of being a Moonkin and turning it into a cd would result in alot of people quitting balance, or their druid all together...(As would I). 2.)And for moonkin to be updated. Updated, not changed into a COOLDOWN. Cat form, Bear form, and Tree of Life form have all had some update since wotlk or cata. Boomkin has remain unchanged since vanilla. It really needs to be updated, not a drastic change, just to up the poly count to make it more in line with the other forms. Just look at the feet when they walk... 3.)a /roar as Moonkin. and 4.)Typhoon bugs to be fixed... It bugs out all the time (Misfiring, not showing graphic, using up a gcd without firing, etc.)
■What spells do you use the least? Anything in the Feral book becides Bash and Dash, and Nourish as it has too long of a cast time for such a small heal.
What type of content do you focus on? [PvE/PvP/Both]: PvE

If PvE, what type of PvE? [Heroics/Raids/Other]: Raids

If PvP, what type of PvP? [Arenas, BGs, Rated BGs]: N/A

What are your biggest quality-of-life issues? I care mostly about game play issues, but like others have said, seeing the same bear form I had at level 10 is a bit disappointing.

What makes playing your class more fun? Being one of the few classes that can become significantly different things with talent swaps, and being the only one that can be 4 different types.

What makes playing your class less fun? I disliked the WOTLK model of "Set it and forget it", but the Cata model leaves things to be desired. We have few significant cooldowns; an absorb spell or proc, a cooldown to be used on the tank (even if it made barkskin targetable), an Inspiration like talent, and the ability to full stack lifebloom (And by this I mean swapping a full stack from one target to another) would all go long ways to making the druid a bit more fleshed out. Right now I feel like we are the stabilizers of raids; strong in full healing output, and in fights like Staghelm where you're super worried about maximizing huge amounts of healing to everyone we really shine. Unfortunately, these are few and far between. The very nature and sheer amount of active healing we can keep on a target seems like it keeps us from getting more "on demand" healing abilities. I've played all of the heal classes at 85, and the differences between them is significantly noticeable even as early as heroics. I also feel like a bit of a tweak to even iconic spells (like regrowth) should be made. Flash heal, Flash of Light and Healing Surge generally heal for more, for less mana on other classes compared to our regrowth. I am aware that this is because of the hot effect, but now that our mastery has changed it feels we could lose the hot component of the spell. I like swiftmending the regrowth hot, but often feel like that is almost a necessity because of the low healing component of the direct heal equation of the spell in an emergency situation. This takes an additional GCD, as does TOL.

For ferals I feel extremely rage starved, and I feel I lack cooldowns to put me on target with tanks like prot paladins. Pallies admittedly have the most survivability cooldowns of all tanks, but having played both at 85 the difference is devastating. No fear break is also disturbing and something I miss.

How do you feel about your “rotation”? (Rotation is the accepted order in which abilities are used to maximum efficiency.) I am fine with feral cat since this is more about priorities, but I feel the moonkin needs some work. More offensive cooldowns would be nice, and something that doesn't feel like the filler between eclipse states is worthless.

What’s on your wish list for your class? I'd like less talent bloat in resto; Cata was refreshing in that the talents became so good, but druids are one of the few classes that has significant talents left in trees that are mostly passive talents. And they all feel necessary.

What spells do you use the least? You can find a use for everything, and I take pleasure in doing so and being a stronger player for it. Thorns being on such a short duration, and long cooldown makes it hard to utilize effectively, especially if you need every gcd. It feels like one of the holdovers from vanilla, where people said, WELL YOU HAVE THORNS, and the answer is, no, no we don't.

I love the druid, but I feel we've been backed into a corner by how even we perceive ourselves and because of this, cannot move forward. I look forward to some interpretations of these posts from the devs!
Let's get started, shall we?

What type of content do you focus on? Everything I do related to PvE Raiding content. I understand there are styles of play, but I think this is the pinnacle.

What are your biggest quality-of-life issues? I think Moonkin are in a really good place as far as everyday play. AoE balance between the eclipses would make things flow a lot more smoothly and not force me to sit in Solar for extreme amounts of time waiting on a burst phase in a fight. I would like to see Moonkin form get a graphical update similar to the cat/bar, but do NOT remove Moonkin form!

What makes playing your class more fun? I love the idea of shapeshifting! Obviously, the class has to be competative in terms of damage and utility and I think that we are there right now. I've played moonkin when we were just brught a long as a +hit/decurse bot. I really appreciate being able to both do damage and control fights.

What makes playing your class less fun? Still being penalized for being a "hybrid." This is a really archaic descriptor as it relates to damage potential. Unless my healing in that spec is something significant, my damage shouldn't be reduced in any way to compensate.

How do you feel about your “rotation”? I normally enjoy a rotation that is easy to learn but really rewards those who master it. I think the current Moonkin rotation is almost there. The knowledge of how to manage dots as they relate to Nature's Grace and Eclipse is nice and much more engaging that the current Arcane Mage style. I also enjoy planning my burst (whether AoE or single target) around an eclipse. I don't have a problem with needing to delay an eclipse just before a burst phase. I think this rewards the experienced and those willing to think through the fight.

Having said that though, the two eclipses need to be balanced for AoE. Currently Solar is the AoE eclipse and having to delay for an extensive period of time of loses the fun that this style originally brought. Thankfully, there is a really easy fix to the problem. Simply buffing Hurricane and allowing it to benefit from Lunar Eclipse instead of Solar would result in evening out the AoE imbalances and give the player more options and make the class feel less punished by having to sit in the "mushroom eclipse" for far too long.

What’s on your wish list for your class? An Arcane based AoE ability which would balance out potential between the two eclipses. I'm still hopeful for a graphical update for Moonkin form. Finally, protection from the Moonkin form NOT becoming some kind of cooldown. I really enjoy shifting for combat and can look at my gear in town or when questing if I like.

What spells do you use the least? Hurricane isn't even on my bar anymore. I use my CC and Soothe less and less every week. At the start of the xpac they were indefensible and I enjoyed having to play the control role and felt proud when it was the moonkin that saved the pull by rooting, hibernating, and even cycloning a wayward add if things went bad during a fight.
What type of content do you focus on? [PvE/PvP/Both]: PvE

If PvE, what type of PvE? [Heroics/Raids/Other]: Raids/Heroics

What are your biggest quality-of-life issues? For instance, no longer requiring ammo could be considered a quality-of-life improvement for hunters.:
Although I think resto is in a great place right now, a lack of quick, strong heals can sometimes be a detriment especially when my raid group consists of 2 resto druids and a shammy. HoTs are great and powerful, but alas they do not save lives. The changes to mastery and the recent crit modification helped quite a bit though.

What makes playing your class more fun? I love the versatility the class offers.

What makes playing your class less fun? Cosmetic issues. Not able to use fun trinkets/flasks/wands or anything that changes our appearance. Not to mention the uninteresting tree forms. We get a choice between the appearance of rotten cauliflower or a tree that resembles a victim of drive-by graffiti. Even Boomkin form could be updated. Why not change the color of the boomkin in relation to hair color like cats and bears?

How do you feel about your “rotation”? (Rotation is the accepted order in which abilities are used to maximum efficiency.): Resto's spell synergy is just fine, imo.

What’s on your wish list for your class? New tree and boomkin art.

What spells do you use the least? cower and thorns(not worth the mana expense)
Thanks for putting this thread up Nyan.

OK, take two (stupid forums ate my last post).

What type of content do you focus on? [PvE/PvP/Both]
PvE mostly, casual PvP

If PvE, what type of PvE? [Heroics/Raids/Other]
Heroics only for VP, mostly normal raids, heroic raids when guild is capable

If PvP, what type of PvP? [Arenas, BGs, Rated BGs]

What are your biggest quality-of-life issues? For instance, no longer requiring ammo could be considered a quality-of-life improvement for hunters.
- First and foremost, visual representation of our gear when we are in forms. See wishlist for what I'd like to see implemented.

- Reagents are as obsolete as ammo now, imo. A mandatory Glyph of Bag Space is just silly, surely minor glyph slots can be filled with more interesting things than that.

- We have 4 specs that many people like playing. That is 4 different sets of gear (for optimal enchants/gems etc) we have to find bag space for if we want to cart it all around, or constant trips to the bank every time we get an upgrade or change specs. Plus PvP sets for those who do that as well. Ugh. It is not fun at all to have to micromanage so much bag space.

- Some (non-combat, ie crafting, opening chests, gathering quest items, mounting vehicles, using flight masters, etc) actions autoshift you out of form. Some actions can be done in any form. Some actions shift you out of some forms but not others. Some actions won't be allowed unless you manually shift out of form. There is too much inconsistency imo, and having to remember which action does what can be annoying at times.

What makes playing your class more fun?
- The sheer versatility, both macro (respeccing to fill any role) and micro (within a raid/dungeon/bg or while questing). Being highly mobile through the use of forms. Feeling like a truly unique <insert role here> through this utility and the style of play.

- Mastering the unique strengths and weaknesses of our spec.

- Standing out from the rest of the group/crowd because of our forms.

- Getting to use most of the abilities in our toolbox, especially through other forms, in a fight. My favourite fight to date has been Cho'gall as balance. I was able to use so many spells that I rarely get to use in a boss fight, it was amazing. Typhoon, solar beam, and warstomp as mind control interrupts; mushrooms, starfall, and typhoon as aoe damage/slows; nature's grasp for when a blood got loose and came after me; as well as my standard dps spells and rebirth/innervate....sooo much fun. Similarly, going kitty to dash around kiting the Atramedes beam was cool as well. Using bear form to taunt down a spinner in Beth'tilac and travel form to get to spiderlings quickly. Etc.

What makes playing your class less fun?
- Using gcds to stack the same spell over and over again, when max stacks are really the only viable use for the spell. The 3 spells we have like that are FF, Mushrooms and Lifebloom. (I don't think Lacerate lacks for being a single stack per application.) You made the FFF a 3-stack application as a feral talent, which is great. Why can't Mushrooms and LB have similar talents for Balance and Resto respectively? The LB talent might need a cd to make it balanced though, but these are defining spells for each spec, it feels like they should get it easier than those using it in an offspec.

- Having awesome raid utility abilities like Rebirth and Innervate, but being punished for using them if we happen to be the 'wrong' spec. Rebirth in particular suffers dramatically for not being castable in feral form, and moonkin suffer as well from being force-shifted out of form (even if it is 'only' through having to spend a gcd to shift back into moonkin). Feral specs would be punished enough (lack of dps or lack of threat generation/dodging ability) while casting in form....but they are punished even further by losing buffs from procs (I haven't actually tested it yet but I assume you lose the Savage Defence bubble if you shift out of bear), rage, energy, health and armour (for bears) and combo points.
Innervate is now pretty useless to all non-resto specs, except after a brez. Ferals suffer even more (see above) since at least moonkin can use it without being shifted back to caster form. 5% mana gain is pointless except after a brez, and moonkin don't need to use it on themselves otherwise, since mana is not a problem with Euphoria and OoC.
These two abilities especially, are supposed to be class-defining abilities, and it sucks that we can't use them to their full potential.

(continued next post)

How do you feel about your “rotation”? (Rotation is the accepted order in which abilities are used to maximum efficiency.)
Resto: I haven't raid healed much, mainly zandalari heroics, but I am definitely finding it a PITA to keep LB at 3 stacks especially when a lot of raid/party damage is going on. Atm it feels like my whole healing strategy revolves around keeping LB up, as my primary mana regen tool. I haven't yet healed a tank-swap fight where I am responsible for both tanks, but I can see the whole LB-stacking thing is going to be very frustrating. Otherwise, I love the variety of heals at my disposal and the way hots and direct heals interact. I'm not sure about how I feel about ToL changing up the way we heal so dramatically, maybe it will just need a lot of practice using it to get the hang of it.

Bear: I think it is in a good place right now, not too many buttons for threat/dps, and not too boring defensively. I could see it being more interesting if we had more defensive abilities on a shorter (60-90sec) cd, perhaps dodge-related. Atm I feel that Frenzied Regen and SI are on too long a cd to blow without a genuine O!@#$E moment, yet not really that powerful separately....I tend to be a 'use both together, or neither' tank. Maybe that is my failing, but that is how I see those abilities. Whereas Barkskin I love because it is on a short enough cd that I can use it when I am taking a little more damage than usual (or a healer is down and I am waiting for a brez, or something like that) but am not really in enough danger to warrant a FR or SI, and know that it will be ready for me again if something else comes up like that, and if a genuine O%^-*E moment does arrive I still have my bigger cds.

Balance: I like the eclipse mechanic and how it forces us to use all our single-target damage spells in our rotation. There are two problems I have with it though, which have been brought up before: there is too much incentive to game the mechanic for aoe (ie too much of our aoe is solar), and there is no way to force an eclipse for a burn phase, which in short phases like Alysrazor, can be a huge dps loss if we are caught coming out of or just ending an eclipse and again encourages stopping our rotation for some amount of time to game the mechanic. These could be easily remedied by making all our aoe spellstorm damage, and giving us a cooldown that takes us into the next eclipse (or one of the eclipses if the counter has been reset after a death).


What type of content do you focus on? [PvE/PvP/Both] Feral Tank(Bear) PvE, Balance PvE/PvP

If PvE, what type of PvE? [Heroics/Raids/Other]
Heroic 5 mans, solo'n old world content, Normal 10 man raiding, some heroic 10 man raiding.

If PvP, what type of PvP? [Arenas, BGs, Rated BGs]
Random Battlegrounds, no arenas, no rateds. Though my feedback will not be given on this as I'm primarily a pve player and bgs.

What are your biggest quality-of-life issues? For instance, no longer requiring ammo could be considered a quality-of-life improvement for hunters.

The biggest quality of life issue I have(though I am very proficient at it) is casting thorns between pulls to give a larger buffer to aoe aggro generation. Though it is counter-intuitive as you become better geared as a bear druid. The better your gear is, the higher your agility and hence dodge is. The higher your dodge is, the less likely you will get hit, and the more worthless Thorns is.
I also would like to state that Thorns castable in forms is not needed. Our aoe is plenty strong without it!
Bear druids also lack a ranged interrupt. This is a very large quality of life issue, it does not make the class deficient, though honestly my suggestion(which is very comical yet would be loved by the community completely) is:
Baby Bear Cub Launch:
Launches a Bear Cub out of the Druid's mouth which does AP*.25 damage and bounces to up to two additional nearby targets. All targets hit by the Bear Cub are silenced for 3 seconds.
Cost: 10 rage
Cooldown: 18 seconds

Moonkin have a large quality of life issue in that their movement dps is very intensely micro intensive. You have to move out of X ability, while planting mushrooms, and then detonating. Just the act of moving, aka using keybinds, while moving the camera in such a way where:
a)You can see where you're moving to and recognizing it's not dangerous
b)You can see where you want to plant your mushrooms
c)You have enough fingers and keybinds to do this with two hands between your mouse and keyboard

Other than that, personally I love moonkin as it's a hard-casting class in raids and it has some control tools which make it versatile compared to some other casters.

Druid General
Druids are also the only tank which can't show their gear progression while tanking, we also can't use transformative potions and items like Noggenfogger/Iron boot flask etc while tanking/dps'n.

What makes playing your class more fun?
Bear Bears are the most fun tank I have played. Purely because of the versatility. There were many occasions while tanking which I've had the ability to brez someone. I've also had the ability to innervate, and tranquility to save wipes(Ascendant Council yayyyy!). The best part of Bear tanking is that we are so much different than the other tanks. We gear differently, our reforging is for avoidance instead of mastery, our gems are agility instead of mastery/stam(unless you're pushing progression than you of course could go stam).
Bears can also be almost a full-fledged dps character while in tank gear. If we lose just a bit of dodge in reforging, we could do quite a bit of kitty damage when not tanking.

Moonkins are very fun and the eclipse state is less like anything else I've played in my years of Warcraft. The hard-casting back and forth down the Eclipse scale makes what would be a mundane rotation into something you really have to 'game' in order to make work and adds a level of intensity that I haven't seen matched.

Druid General
Druids are the most versatile class. It's great to be able to think to myself, I'm sick of melee dps, and just switch on the same character to a ranged dps. I can tank, I can heal, I can do any kind of dps. All the dps specs are good as well. Feral might lag a bit behind in very high end raiding average parses, but it's still worthwhile to bring to a raid if a spot is needed!

What makes playing your class less fun?
Bears are the tank without the ability to gain full combat table coverage. This makes many fights on heroic dangerous for bears as they'll be more spikey(though admittedly less spikey than Death Knights) than a shield wearing tank. This may be something which is a balance issue, and I accept that, though it also makes things less fun if you're not going to be able to do your job in high-end content because of balance. Parity is very hard to achieve and we've never been as close as we are. Though full CTC needs to be done away with in order for tanks to have an even playing field.
Bears of course don't have a ranged interrupt which I also listed above. This requires a group which is in-tune with what needs to be done. This involves communication which is sometimes not so prevalent or received well in random dungeons. This makes bear tanking more difficult at lower-entry levels compared to say, a Paladin, a Warrior, a Death Knight.
Also, unable to see gear progression in forms.

Moving while dps'n is punitive, though admittedly it probably should be. Though the mechanic in place for it is very difficult. Also gear progression as stated above.

How do you feel about your “rotation”? (Rotation is the accepted order in which abilities are used to maximum efficiency.)
I feel bear, kitty, and moonkin rotations are very well done and tightly tuned. Exactly as all classes should be. You have the availability of a number of abilities and need to use them in the correct rotation(priority system) in order to gain the maximum benefit. There are also very little down-time(not even a gcd often), which makes it more engaging.

What’s on your wish list for your class?
Parity in heroic content tanking between the tanks(bears being as good as a full CTC shield tank).
A raid cooldown. Something, cover the raid in bear spirits or something which makes them all take 10% less damage and have 10% more damage potential for 6 seconds or something. A little different, but would be a welcome change!

What spells do you use the least?
Challenging Roar(don't even have it on my bars for some reason).
Innervate, though I use it when I can, it's nearly worthless for whoever I cast it on.

What’s on your wish list for your class?
- Some way to show at least some of our gear on our main forms. Whether it be only a few pieces (I'd be happy with just helm and shoulders), or a more involved system that changes our hide/feather/bark patterns, gives us tattoos, or lets us have a different species of cat/bear/tree/owlkin for average ilevel, I think something needs to be implemented to let us take advantage of the upcoming transmogrification tool.

- More consistency in which forms can perform which actions.

- An equipment tab for each of our 4 specs (and maybe a pvp tab as well) that lets us equip a set of gear for each spec and not have that gear take up bag or bank space. Each piece of gear would have to be flagged as belonging to one or more of the specs, just like the equipment manager tool.

- A spell to place all 3 mushrooms at once, in a tight group. This could be (should be imo) limited to balance spec. I believe the detonate cd is enough of a restraint to make mushrooms more useful in both pve and pvp without making them too powerful.

- A way to place a 3-stack of Lifebloom at once on a target. This would need a cooldown to make it balanced, and I think it should be limited to resto only.

- More range on Challenging Roar. Seriously, when you need to taunt the room, 10 yard range just isn't going to cut it. If you are going to give us an aoe taunt on such a long cd, make it work on things outside swipe range.

- Travel form usable indoors.

- A permanent tree form. Even making the current ToL cd change you into a bigger tree (like the Ancients) while you are normally in the old tree form (or the current ToL form). I'd make it mandatory, ie no mastery benefit or something if you aren't in tree form, IF AND ONLY IF you make gear representation visible on the tree form as well. Otherwise, give us an option (glyph/shirt/something to keep in our bags/barbershop) to have a permatree form.

- More control over our savage defence procs, ie make them 100% from crit rather than 50%. Make the bubbles smaller to compensate.

- A cooldown to let us force an eclipse.

- A few more weak, but shorter cd, defensive abilities as tanks.

- All aoe damage spells to be spellstorm damage (perhaps only in balance spec?).

- Some spells, Rebirth and Innervate at least, to be castable in all combat forms.

- Innervate to become useful again to non-resto specs. I think making it return whatever resource the target uses (mana/energy/rage/runic power) is not too much to ask for.

- More fights that let us use our full range of abilities, especially other forms.

- An incentive to take/use Nature's Swiftness. I (and afaik most resto druids) simply macro it to HT.....and one instant HT every 3 mins is just not good enough. If it were a guaranteed crit.....that might be enough incentive. Or something else, I don't know. Just needs to be more attractive.

What spells do you use the least?
Teleport:Moonglade is obsolete now that there are druid trainers everywhere. Cower. Soothe (though it actually does get used in heroics now......sometimes). Nature's Grasp in pve. Cyclone.

■What type of content do you focus on? [PvE/PvP/Both]
■If PvE, what type of PvE? [Heroics/Raids/Other]
5 man-heroics
■If PvP, what type of PvP? [Arenas, BGs, Rated BGs]
Arenas, BGs
■What are your biggest quality-of-life issues?
Resto isn't so much of a prob any more but I hate being stuck in boomkin all the time they look like feathered waterballons. (make a interface or glyph option for this). Same thing with armor such as shoulders (needs a interface option).
■What makes playing your class more fun?
The constant interaction with my moves.
■What makes playing your class less fun?
I have a problem with healing touch and nourish. They're both too slow to be worth using in pvp or high damage fights especially with under geared players and regrowth uses so much mana but it's the only way I can get my burst healz because even with all the hots they can't cover 2 big hits in a row. So usually at around 10% boss hp I go oom mostly on constant hard hitting fights it's a problem.
■How do you feel about your “rotation”?
good besides the healing touch, nourish, regrowth problem.
■What’s on your wish list for your class?
More colorful gear I view druids a lively but only tier 1 and 11 (shoulders) make me feel that the rest makes me think im a bloated animal or nature's warlock. So bascially less dead or miserable looking gear more color(bright reds, yellows, greens) and not everything has to glow to look cool......
■What spells do you use the least?
Teloport: Moonglade, Healing touch, Nourish, Nature's swiftness, Hurricane, Hibernate, Soothe, Thorns, and almost anything in feral...... lol.

And thank you for the continuation. :P
No problem for setting up a continuation thread guys. And keep them coming. Make sure blizzard knows moonkin form needs an UPDATE not removal.
Sorry about cutting your post in half Dahakha!

Yes, I'd like a fun new moonkin form. Maybe a Skettis mob form!? :)

Keep it comin!
What type of content do you focus on?PVE, I'm a Boomie

If PvE, what type of PvE? Playing around, my LW, farming

What are your biggest quality-of-life issues? My heals on myself aren't good enough, Mushrooms are too time consuming having to plop down 3 separately, be nice to be able to put them all down at once. Fairy fire, 3 stack please.

What makes playing your class more fun? Shape shifting def

What makes playing your class less fun? My dps is not what I'd like it to be

How do you feel about your “rotation”? Kind of boring but ok

What’s on your wish list for your class? I don't want to end up with our form changed much, (The spastic giant purple broccoli trees turned into is horrific) but If nothing else PLEASE close our mouth so we don't look like stupid mouth breathers, It makes us look like we are retarded. It would be sweet if our color changed with our hair. I'd like a pink Boomie for me please :). Give trees their form back, they are the only one that cannot keep their shapeshift form, soooo very unfair. Maybe just give them the giant tree on proc. Would be nice if travel form went the same speed as a mount so we can use it more.

What spells do you use the least? Soothe
Deleted by Pímpamedic
What type of content do you focus on? [PvE/PvP/Both]


If PvE, what type of PvE? [Heroics/Raids/Other]

5 mans and 10 mans.

If PvP, what type of PvP? [Arenas, BGs, Rated BGs]

All pvp, mostly arena

What are your biggest quality-of-life issues? For instance, no longer requiring ammo could be considered a quality-of-life improvement for hunters.

FIX SKULL BASH BUG PLS Skull bash bug, Kitty step not landing behind the target quickly enough.

Bear tanks are boring to play, no interesting abilities. Still be inferior to rogues in in many ways. You can't run a RBG without a rogue because of smokebomb, feral druids get left behind in RBG's because we cant compete with other flag runners due to a lack of good defensive utility(spell reflect, intervene, grip, shell, BoP, freedom ect ect) and we dont have bomb.

What makes playing your class more fun?

Speed, damage and self-healing(funny how our healing is worst than pures now lol). My love of tanking died after trying a warrior and dk.

What makes playing your class less fun?

No being able to enjoy tanking or run flags because prot and dk's are better. Skull bash bugged/no landing.. Feral charge cat taking too long to get to target and not always putting us behind them. Poor energy regen

How do you feel about your “rotation”? (Rotation is the accepted order in which abilities are used to maximum efficiency.)

Kitty is fine, bear is boring.

What’s on your wish list for your class?

A talent that gives barkskin a spell reflect effect for 5 secs. An interesting tanking ability, something unique to bears "Bear Hug" that grabs 2-3 targets and spins them+damage for 5 secs.. Summon stampede maybe, like summon 3 animals to assist tanking, or an aoe protection type shell. Maybe give all druids treants /shrug.

What spells do you use the least?

Hurricane and regrowth for obvious reasons.
What type of content do you focus on?

PVE mostly, but also some PVP

If PvE, what type of PvE?

Raiding, newer heroics

If PvP, what type of PvP?

arena, bg, rated-bg

What are your biggest quality-of-life issues?

I'd like to be able to single-click mount from a feral form. Right now I have to unshift to caster then click again to mount.

What makes playing your class more fun?

The feral rotation complexity. I like that my adeptness at the rotation can have a material impact on my DPS.

Also, I love the freedom in the feral talent tree to manage being a hybrid that can switch from DPS to tanking in a single spec.

What makes playing your class less fun?

Bosses where we can't reach their backside, like when they're sitting in lava. Also, bosses that require too much movement so that we are forced to use a dumbed-down version of our rotation.

How do you feel about your “rotation”?

I love the complexity of the feral rotation and wish it was even a bit more complex. For example, give us an option that, if we're good enough, lets the elite players squeak out a little extra DPS, but if we mess up, penalizes us. But leave a simpler, lower dps rotation available for beginners and less experienced ferals.

What’s on your wish list for your class?

A cooldown ability that lets us cast spells in feral form. For example, if I'm tanking and someone dies, I could pop this and battlerez them without shifting out of bear form and continue tanking. Make the cooldown long enough that maybe it's not available every fight, since it would be a powerful ability.

Some kind of ultra-hybrid ability (on a long cooldown) that would allow us to shift to another spec (possibly our secondary spec, but preferably a simple predetermined spec) for the remainder of the current combat or a couple minutes. For example, if I'm DPSing as Feral and a healer dies, I pop this ability and I can be a decent healer for the remainder of the fight even though I'm not wearing resto gear (but give up my feral abilities until I cancel the effect). Or if I'm resto and the tank dies, I could pop it and tank, even though I'm wearing resto gear.

What spells do you use the least?

Abilities that are gimped because they're not in my spec. Like mushrooms when I'm feral. Or heals, even. They're so inefficient, they're pretty much worthless. I used to innervate healers when they needed a boost beforeyou gimped that, too. Basically, don't give me abilities that are so worthless. Either make them useful or remove them if I'm not in the preferred spec.

Feral Combat Mastery question

May seem a stupid question, but I have a a feral combat druid, and have recently reforged and gem'd up my gear towards +mastery. But I do not actually see any difference in the stats on my toon when I check the stats.

In other words, if I hover over RIP for example, it still shows the same +5 bleed over time before I reforged towards mastery.

So my quesiton is, does increase in mastery only show in realtime in PVP? I had assumed I would see a difference when I inspected my moves.
I don't think Mastery will affect any tooltips. Just go to your character sheet and see how much your bleeds are increased by. Tooltip damage is usually wrong anyways, unless you use DrDamage.

resto druid mastery

Ok im curious as to which addons will help me track this mastery?
Lots (assuming you mean track when its up or not)

Any add on that can track a buff should work.

Need to Know, Power Auras, others...
Should be able too.. its just like any other spell... I am sure druid Xorte or w/e can track it.

Maybe if we all stop talking about it...(pvp)

it won't happen. Honestly guys/gals, If we just stop begging for Blizzard not to nerf Feral PVP on our own class forum, maybe it won't happen. The only place where this sort of begging should occur is on the PVP forums themselves, and even then we should just complain about other classes on those forums to direct the GM's attention to other classes. Maybe if we all stay quite they won't hear us... just saiyan.

A post a day keeps the GM away.

oops NVM wrong forum


Feral Druid 3 Comps?

Hey im levelin a Fdruid and gonna go straight into PvP once i hit 85. What are some good 3 Comps? To my knowledge there are Kitty Cleave and Jungle Cleave, anymore good comps that i dont know of?
im playing ebolacleave. My team hasnt been available for a while now so our rating sucks, but its pretty viable. Not sure in higher ratings tho.

feral / arms / hpally (kitty cleave, rshammy works)

feral / UH DK / rshammy | hpally (ebola cleave)

feral / hunter / healer

feral / mage / healer

feral / rogue / healer

and of course, rshammy / warlock / feral
Thanks! Is Rogue/Feral/healer pretty good or should i go with one of the other ones?

if the rogue is good it's a hella fun comp. priest or rshammy healer will be best.
Awesome, thanks.
Im running with Jungle Cleave. Hunter usually gets focused.
I'm running Feral/FrostDK/DPriest, DK usually gets targetted first, its pretty fun.
Feral / SPriest / RShammy

Im running Feral/Alock/Rshammy

Your CC has to be perfect, its pretty fun.

70s PvP set


I'm just 70, and have enough honor to buy a set of PvP gear for my Resto druid.

I can tell that the Kodohide stuff is supposedly the healer gear, but a lot of the Wyrmhide stuff seems to have better stats. The Wyrmhide seems to give a lot more Crit for a just a little loss in Spirit and Stam. Also, the 4-piece bonus for Kodohide looks terrible. .2 seconds off Regrowth cast? Yick.

If I equip two pieces each of the Kodohide and Wyrmhide, I'd get the 2-piece bonus for each, right? Two +35 Res? I'm thinking that's the way to go, but don't want to make a mistake for my first big PvP purchase.

What do you think? How to gear a PvP Resto at 70?

i'm pretty sure the double 2 piece should work on the lvl 70 sets, but i'm not positive.

Thank you, Ellesime!

I tried the BG forum, and they mostly thought I could get the double 2-piece.

I'd been wondering, if I have a druid PvP question, do I post in a druid forum, or a PvP forum? I think the PvP forum seems like the better place, even though I feel more like a Druid who PvPs than a PvPer who plays druid, if you know what I mean.
Thank you, Ellesime!

I tried the BG forum, and they mostly thought I could get the double 2-piece.

I'd been wondering, if I have a druid PvP question, do I post in a druid forum, or a PvP forum? I think the PvP forum seems like the better place, even though I feel more like a Druid who PvPs than a PvPer who plays druid, if you know what I mean.
It depends on if your question has more to do with class mechanics or with pvp mechanics(as in this case). But it never hurt to put it in both places.

And you should be able to get double 2-piece, but if you don't you can always get a refund.

worgen? tail? they are wolfs?

i feel like worgen should have tails. they are a wolf race, why dont they have tails? it would make a lot of sense if in a next update they add tails to the worgens. it would be alot better looking and make more sense.

They aren't a wolf race, they are a Worgen race. Worgen are more akin to werewolves than actual wolves, and most werewolves do not have tails.


What Kon said, although, aesthetically, i'd like em with tails as well. But again, thats personal opinion.

Furthermore, this has been discussed over and over again. Tons want them. Tons still play Worgen. There are more pressing matters than adding a tail to a race. You look great as it is, and so do goblins. The original races need a picker upper, but again, w/e.

For PvE is my talent tree setup right?

For resto i've seen many different ideas but this one seems to work for me is it the best??
You missed Natural Shapeshifter and Master Shapeshifter.
Living Seed and Nature's Bounty are meh. (I prefer NB > LS personally, as reflected in my spec.)
Natural Shapeshifter and Master Shapeshifter, are imperative talents and I have no idea why you skipped them for LS. So Change that around, and then run 31 in the resto treen, 2/3 Feral, with no genesis, due to your raid experience currently i can stipulate that you don't have the mana threshold to run like that, if you are reforging properly

[Resto] Requesting gear/spec help

Greetings fellows,

I am writing to you this evening requesting some assistance with my gear/spec. I'm currently in a 3/7 FL guild with limited heroic experience. We do well enough for only raiding 2 days a week but was wondering if I'm preforming at my peak.

I'm fairly new to healing, did a little back in BC on a pally. Kinda got pidgeonholed by my raid group/Blizzard (rotated resto duties with a shaman on fights that didn't require a 10 second interrupt i.e. one or two fights) and my offspec turned into a main spec.

We got through a few heroics in T11 but I felt like I was flying by the seat of my pants. I read up on all the theories but at the same time don't know if everything I'm using is up to snuff.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Don't worry about my ego, I'm a tough Troll.

Thanks in advance :)
Well all I can say is you have a few options, you're 700 haste off from the next breakpoint you could try and hit that, if not though, you're basically wasting 400 pts on haste that is useless. If you can't hit 2005 then you should be reforging the haste into mastery until you get down to 917 haste - due to rounding I usually like to get a few pts higher than is necessary. OR, if you have a Warlock in your raid team and they're willing to give Dark Intent to you (3% haste buff), you can reforge to 1573 haste to get that extra tic from your Wild Growth (this is assuming you also have a boomkin/shammy/shadowpriest in your raid as well - for the 5% haste raid buff).

The only other thing is the way you have your gems set up. Dont' put the 20 int 20 haste(or mastery) gem in the relic, since we're forced to gem 2 yellow/orange to fulfill the meta requirement, you might as well put them in something that gives you a bonus; like you're shoulders for example. Now you can put the 40 int into the relic and you've gained a free 10 intellect over what you have now.

Also, on your legs, the socket bonus is 20 intellect, so if you throw a 20 int 20 spirit gem in the blue socket you hit the socket bonus and make up the lost 20 int - so you now gain 20 more spirit absolutely free.

Spec looks fine (it's the same as mine). I guess that's about it lol

Edit: actually, you're honored with avengers of hyjal so go get Firescar Sash. yay for upgrades!

how much hit should i have?

Right now sitting on a bit over 8%. Should i drop some for mastery?

pre 4.2 id tell you to drop about 4 % of that hit. with 4.2 no one has any idea whats better than what. thats having t12 tier though with old gear and until you lose 2 set t11 agi>master>crit> all else


I was reading Elitistjerks forums and if I understand correctly they say for me to pretty much prioritize Haste over every stat till i am @ 2005. If so I was wondering if anyone could give me a tip as to how to do it with my current gear. I have the [Moonwell Chalice] and I am revered with the Avengers of Hyjal. Thank you.
reforge your mastery/crit to haste and replace FoM with alchemy trinket.
I know it looks scrub but did I do it right, i regemmed everything to haste
Well ideally, you'd want to be reaching the haste breakpoint without having to gem for haste. Once you get more FL pieces with haste (nearly all of them do), you can start regemming appropriately.
also get the other relic
At intermediate gear levels you can get to 2005 by gemming haste and see an improvement, but the question is, how must int lost is too much? Most sources I've seen have been saying ~100 int is okay to lose, and others have reported throughput gains even losing up to 200 int. So, 3-5 int gems being replaced with pure haste is okay. If it takes more than that, Stick to the Rejuv breakpoint at like... 940? I forget what the lower number is. If it doesn't get you past a good breakpoint, you don't want haste, you want mastery.

It looks like you are having to do a bit too much haste gemming, since 8.5 int gems as haste means you are losing 340 int, well above any recommended amount that I've seen. I'd wait till you pick up a couple more items with base haste.

Another trick to remember is that you don't always have to reforge your weak stat to haste, you will sometimes be better off reforging the secondary stat with the greater value, for example you can get 22 more haste from reforging if you do spirit->haste on your head instead of crit->haste. ftw
well I only lost ~150 int after doing my math they way I am gemmed now. And I will look @ better reforging for items. Thanks for help.
One final thing you can change is reforge the helm from crit to haste, then replace two of the haste gems with int. 80 int is better than ~80 mastery.

Double Feral in Arena?

Just wondering what the best comp is to stop this team? They burn my healer really fast and peeling them is pretty impossible since all I see on my screen is dodge. I blow my fear and they use their trinks.

Just curious.

There is nothing you can do but /bow and take the loss.

My teammate and I (resto sham) ran into a double Feral the other night and we actually won, but that's because she survived the initial burst due to some fancy CC on my part, and I was able to burn one down. I'm pretty sure we got extremely lucky, or they were just terrible.
There is nothing you can do but /bow and take the loss.

Warrior/pally probably isn't the best comp to deal with double feral.

Oh, and don't forget, if your healer gets ripped, maimed, or FB'd, pop a spell reflect cause you'll likely get a cyclone coming right up.
Deleted by Greenmaqic
Use your fear ability (forget what the warrior version is called)

Addon Help

Hey guys, ive been getting quite good at juking on my resto, and i was wondering if there is an addon in existance that will track the enemies silences and stuns on cd. Like kick and pummel, skull bash etc. I get a bit mixed up on how many kicks and what cds they are on for some classes =)

Cheers =D
If you want it on your name plates grab Icicle:

If you want a thing to show up where you want it on your screen grab InterruptBar:

Annnnd if you want an addon to yell !@#$ at you in a soothing voice (ex: Cloak of Shadows, Cloak of Shadows fades)

Short end stick transmog/ give us more fur

Since 3/4 of the druids specs cannot see their armor, we see the same exact thing all the time. Can we get some different skins please. This was my main thru out LK then I changed to Pally, Now Im thinking about making this guy my main again for 4.3. I would love to be able to look at a different skin of a bears butt. Why cant cats have stripes, or dots. Can we get a pet groomer or something in the barber shop that can shape up our feral coat?
I raced changed to worgen when cata launched for a different look, but race changed back after it got boring again and for that sweet tanking racial.

if you are unhappy looking at forms all day i'd say you picked the wrong class....

but there is always resto!

I can deal with it. This was my main for a long time.... It would be nice however to change it up a little..... give us an option to be armored bears even.. .we are tanks after all.... stupid amani bears look BA.
I like kitty form.

It'd look so ugly with armor.
Let us transmog fire kitty damnit, I want to be a fire kat always
Wrath baby.

Be glad you have good-looking forms, with the ability to change your colour at will.

You've obviously got no idea what the rest of us Kitties had to endure during Vanilla/BC.

New Hurricane Visuals...

Anyone else think they look fugly? I think Blizz should teach their staff what a hurricane looks like, cause 20 tornadoes =/= hurricane.
I agree, I actually really liked the old one. I'm not a big fan of the new druid animations this patch with wrath looking like a holy priest spell and hurricane looking well... even less like an actual hurricane.
Lol. Not like hurricane is ever used anyways. #whocares
What? Are they hard of hearing? We said new MOONKIN model, new MOONKIN model. Not new nukin' model. Jeeze.

Dodge from behind

I am really having problems with a druid feral tank, I really want to know the real answer and it's simple.

Feral Druids can dodge from behind???

NOTE: In PVE enviroment, I don't know if there is a change in mechanics in PVP
No player can dodge an attack coming from behind.
So if a feral tanks based especially on agility, with 24% dodge (without any extra buffs) getting hit from behind it's not good...

NOTE: I know the answer, only need others opinions to be as much close 100% sure.
If you want to be sure simply stand behind some low level mobs and see how you won't dodge their attacks. Trust us you won't dodge from the rear.
If they're getting hit from behind then, in most cases, they're doing it wrong.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

For Those That Are Dual Specced Resto...

Was just curious what others do about dalies and quests that have both specs as Resto, or any other heal spec. Run with friends? Respec? Or screw em all together?

/discuss I'm bored ;)
Pop tree form and burn them suckers with wrath spam! 14k dps for 30 secs, woot!

just a suggestion...

About the nature's bounty talent. Either make the number of targets less (say 2 ) or up the time of rejuvenation ( like 15 seconds ) , just so we can get the lesser cast time of Nourish for a longer period of time, or even a better idea. BRING BACK THE PERMENANT TREE OF LIFE FORM. Its what makes healing on a druid so awesome. (I miss wrath.....)
or you could decrease the mana cost of rejuvenation even more, cause its like our primary healing spell...

What is an normal/good Harmony uptime?

A Resto druid in our 10-man, her healing is on the low side and while I am not an expert on resto heals by any means, I am trying to figure out what she is doing or not doing in hopes of helping her healing output.

Going through some WoL logs, I noticed on most FL encounters that her Harmony sits anywhere from 50%-65% uptime. Is this a normal or low?

Here is her character:
It really depends on the encounter. Our Resto Druid is far from the greatest, but he never really underperforms either. Feel free to compare his logs to your healer's:

Harmony Uptime
H Shannox - 98.1%
H Beth'tilac - 95.2%
H Rhyolith - 94.7%
H Alysrazor - 65.3%
H Baleroc - 100%
H Majordomo - 87.4%
Those are pretty nice uptimes actually

From the various pugs and the runs i used to do i usually saw uptimes in the 78-90 range.

Keep in mind a fight like Alysrazor has a low uptime because during the dps phase we don't need to heal at all so the uptime drops a lot.
Alright thanks.

I think she needs a mod to help her track her up time.

I'm sure there's a mod for that somewhere.

What I did was set up power auras to shine bright green when harmony wasn't up.

It's pretty easy to keep up with swiftmend and clearcasting procs so once she gets the hang of it it shouldn't be a problem.
It seems low. I would guess she doesn't hard-cast many spells and that she mostly uses hots/instants. I would guess that the harmony buffs she does get are from casting swiftmend.

Of course, this is all assumption, since there is no log.


my friends looking for an add on that tells him when to soothe and remove enrages, can anyone tell me a good add on for that?
I know x-perl has a feature that will enlarge buffs/debuffs you can purge/cleanse (this includes enrages/soothe); but I don't know an addon that will tell you when to soothe
I would love to think you can do this with MSBT or Parrot (or another text scroller). But I sure as heck can't figure out how to do it.

You can probably hard code each and every trigger - but I don't have that kind of patience.
I think you can do it with power auras by setting buff type to enrage and checking the "enemy target" button.
well it seems it would affect the feral druids or fury warriors the most. and the only addon that i can of that can do that is power arua classic...

New 85 tree

So, I finally hit 85 the other day and since then have been focused on gearing up. However, I'm bored of dungeons already, there aren't really any gear upgrades for me anymore. I decided to try a heroic the other day, noticing my ilevel was high enough.

It didn't work.

I can't seem to keep the tank and DPS alive without burning out my mana in the middle of a fight. I'm not sure if it's because of the few greens I still have and that the ilevel system is bogus, or I'm simply not healing correctly.
I usually stack LB on the tank, rejuv on anyone taking moderate damage, and use SM / HT / nourish as needed. I try to avoid regrowth and use cooldowns carefully.

So, my question is, why am I not capable of healing heroics? Am I not geared correctly, and if so, how should I better gear? Or am I just a crappy healer? Any advice is welcome, newbie player here. :D
Grab the moonglow talents in the balance tree. Dump living seed and two others for it.
Your next purchase needs to be a helm for the int meta.
Int trinkets are best.
Grind out some normals for 359 reputation gear.
Your right about the LB on tank. Always try to keep that up because it takes virtually no mana to renew it. Also dont use rejuv on people above 70-80% you have to remember you are still in the triage healing stage. And only try to use HT or regrowth on OOC procs but spam nourish as much as you need because you will almost recover the mana by the time your done casting. Use WG when there is raid this you know im sure.
Also dump the point in living seed it will be better spent in moonglow also if you want to dump NS because its pretty situational, I'd put 2 more points in to moonglow.
But at your ilvl you want tallent that help mana you dont need to be woried about throughput just yet.
Like Freckle said more int is always better so focus on that with your gear upgrades.
Hope this helps.
Well your spec needs to change :p, i noticed you have only 1 point in moonglow, that can cause ALOT of mana issues, you should put all 3 points into it, remove one from living seed, and one from natures swiftness(I don't find myself using it, you may tho) But living seed only procs on crits, and with your spec right now its only healing 10% of the amount healed, Useless. You'll see a difference. Like the other dude said, you want to replace your helm next. For the meta and what not. As soon as you can(this will come with gear) get to your 2005 haste break point (:.
Nature's swiftness is actually a lot more useful now that NS+HT has been buffed.

You also need the glyph of healing touch (to lower the cooldown of NS for each HT you cast), plus something to track NS's cooldown or you'll never use it.

Keep in mind that in the last Healing Q & A, the developers seemed to admit that it's almost reverse for healers what others tend to have experience in the game. It's that the Difficulty for healers is higher when they're starting out in 5 man Heroics compared to in Raids. One of the main things they sited was not being able to specialize in your spells and tasks as easily as you can in a raid. On top of having a limited mana pool and lesser geared groups with longer fights. Long story short, just keep in mind when you feel that you are having trouble starting out? You are not alone and druid has always taken time to get used to. Even now it is still a bit alien to the other healing classes and I think that is why so many people love playing it.

Feral Macros

Is it possible to make a macro for Feral Charge (Bear and Cat) and Skull Bash (Bear and Cat) so that you only need one button per ability on your bar?

Something along the lines of: if in Cat form use Feral Charge Cat, if in Bear form use Feral Charge Bear?

/cast [form:1] Feral Charge(Bear Form)
/cast [form:3] Feral Charge(Cat Form)

Replace Feral Charge with Skull bash and it will work with that too.
I'll give it a try, thanks :)

Feral lvl 49 pvp/pve rot

Hey, just got back after taking a year break and i'm not sure what rotation i should be using in PVP and Pve if someone could please reply with a rotation and some tips thanks!
PvE: Swipe, Swipe, Swipe... Mangle, Swipe, Swipe.

PvP: Mangle, Rake, Mangle, Mangle, Mangle... Ferocious Bite, Mangle.

Feral Charge Change Idea

Replace the crappy Feral Charge glyph we have now for one that reads:

"The cooldown on Feral Charge is reset when dealing a killing blow to a target that yields experiance or honor."

Do you feel that would be OP for us ferals?

This is for overall PvE and PvP, not just RBGs/Arenas.

Feral PvP Glyphs

Just seeing what people have glyphed for PvP--I've just been using the same as PvE for now, but need to switch a few out--I'm leaning towards Mangle, Berserk, Tiger's Fury for primes, haven't thought the rest out too much. What's everyone out there using?

Edit:: Leaning towards:
Mangle, Berserk, Rip
Maul, Rebirth, Barkskin
Minors barely matter outside of Dash and maybe Aquatic.

Mangle, Rip, Berserk - Prime
Barkskin, Pounce, Feral Charge - Major
Aquatic Form, Dash, Unburdened Rebirth - Minor

though I could change out Unburdened for something else, I like it for use in RBGs where I can use my Rebirth in combat to turn a tide against the opposing team.

Feral druids and weapon damage

starting up my druid in pvp and wondering if I should do polearm or staff.

So my question is does weapon damage affect cat form?


search function, use it. i already answered this today (for the 183rd time).

weapon dps is all that matters. damage range and speed are meaningless.
I'm starting to believe that there is a conspiracy of people (or a person with many alts) trying to drive Ellesime mad.

They might be succeeding.

Edit: and for the record: your question was last asked & answered 3 hours ago.

I'm starting to believe that there is a conspiracy of people (or a person with many alts) trying to drive Ellesime mad[der].

i'm definitely pretty insane to start with.

Which class would solo PvE better?

What class would you say would solo PvE content better, both old content and new? A Death Knight, Prot Warrior, Prot Paladin, a Feral Druid or a Hunter?

Which would be better for attempting to solo current (Cataclysm) content? Such as trying to solo nm instances? Group quests?

What about old content - such as Northrend nm & heroic instances? Northrend Raids? BC Raids?

They all seem to have the potential for it, and some classes are better known for it (DK, Paladin & Hunter). They all have ways of healing themselves, except the hunter - however hunter can use pet as damage sponge. They all have ways to mitigate/reduce damage.

DK is tops. blood heals a ton, so it dominates old content. then you can bounce frost to howling blast range kite stuff (eg: solo firelands trash farming).

feral is next, and has it's own set of advantages.

the other 2 aren't really comparable.
DK is pretty good, but hunter is the only solo class that isn't. You can have a tank/healer/dps combo set up with a hunter that you can't with anything else. Anything where you need to have multiple targets, hunter's pretty awesome.

However, I will agree that DK is probably still the best. Army is pretty lulz, on top of the standard reasons.
Darhan - I'm not sure what your saying. Hunter is not good at solo'ing? or is good because they can switch pets for different things?

So it seems so far consensus is that DK is the best, followed by either Druid or Paladin? With possible hunter next or before them with warrior coming last?

Thanx for the responses so far :)

Disc Priests

Strats for killing them run pali/feral ty

don't die before they run oom, at which point a 'zerk + exo spam & hoj from your pally will end it.

when they use the shadowfiend, cyclone it / root it / cyclone the priest and interrupting the hymm will make it faster, a long with good offensive pressure (really on either the priest or his dps). obviously you have to prevent drinks as well.

? For raiding Resto Druids

form+ tranq CD.... do u use these every time it's up, or do you hold onto it for an oh crap! button?

I'm not the only resto druid in my guild anymore, so I'm trying to figure out how to use them together to the best advantage of the raid. I usually wait until after my partner pops it, then use mine if still needed, but just curious how others are doing it.
depends on the fight, but i find myself tending to alternate tranq & tree cooldowns -- often tranq is coordinated into healer cooldowns, and treeform is more of an oh-crap button.
Depends on the fight tbh.

A fellow resto druid I heal with we don't generally have a set rotation but I usually pop tranq after he does or use it for the next oh !@#$ moment such as Stag's Scorp phase, he'd use his during the last few swipes and I'd save mine for the swipes after the orbs for final push.

Alysrazor he tends to use it during the burn phase of alysrazors 0-50 energy part while I'll burn mine after the knockback to finish the top off and etc.

Pretty much I myself use it not for the oh %^-* omg win button but the omg large predictable damage inc tranq ezmode in.

Now for the treeform part I usually don't always use form with tranq such as I use form for every scorp phase or try to at least while tranq I'd save for the 2nd scorp portion and etc. but I always felt using tranq with treeform is nice for the bonus you kinda hurt yourself in terms of that you'd miss out on a large portion of blanketing people with extra growths and blooms as those 8 seconds of tranq or however long it is takes up a large chunk of tree time.

It also comes down to you trusting other healers, such as do you need to tranq to help them top off people or can you trust them enough to save it for the really omg final push attempt and etc.

Mostly it's a trial and error bit of using what works best and referencing world of logs. Such as use form and see if the output without tranq helps or hurts compared to using form and tranq at that same point in the fight in another attempt.
It depends on the fight and on what cooldowns are available to the raid.

We usually coordinate all raid cooldowns -- both mitigation cooldowns like Barrier and high-output cooldowns like Tranq. This is especially true on raid-damage heavy encounters like Staghelm, where carefully coordinated cooldowns greatly simplify the encounter.

Tree form, being more a personal throughput cooldown, is usually reserved for our discretion. Using Staghelm as an example, if I'm assigned to pop Tranq after 7 Flame Scythes, I dont' combine the two (since unbuffed Tranq is suffience for the 7th Scythe), but if I'm assigned to the 10th, I definitely do. If I'm assigned to an early one, I'll pop Tree Form after the Tranq to help out through the heavier attacks.

On a fight like Alysrazor, I never combine the two. I pop tree form as soon as the burn phase begins, since I'll be Wrath-spamming to regain mana and this maximizes the results of what I'm doing in that phase. I pop tranq when she's restored to %75 of her energy since that's when the damage is heaviest in that fight (if people can avoid the fire during the worm and tornado phases, and if they can't, we're doomed anyway).

I almost always use them together, because usually it's enough to either top off the raid, or keep people up thru large amounts of damage. In 10 mans, I usually run with 2 pally healers, and I don't know if it's just the ones I run with, or it's Holy pallies in general, but they don't do well on raid healing. They deal with the tanks, and other than rolling LB on the main, I just concentrate on the raid. but we're starting 25s (in FL, scary! lol) so...

thanks for the input
I would vary rarely use them together, unless i know its a raid-wide healing intensive moment that i know is coming, so specifically all i can think of, is the beginning of a H Halfus fight, and Staghelm, In both cases i would treeform, and blanket lifeblooms, and tranq in the last second or two of ToL to catch the healing buff,

For all other encounters, ToL is more my 'o !@#$' button, and tranq is used every three minutes JUS BECAUSE I CAN :D
Deleted by Benegesserit

Question for pvp balance

Hello druids, im currently leveling a druid for balance pvp at 85, and i have a few questions

I read i few things online about how eclipse works but i don't understand how it would work well in pvp, someone enlighten please

What is the most favorable stat to gem/reforge, once you got the basic hit, spell pen etc

And how well do they do in arena/RBG setting? i cant find many youtube videos of them
Boomkins are viable for some RBG comps, viable in 5's, some 3's comps. One of the worst specs in the game for 2's.

Int is always primary. Other than that my guess would be haste since balance has so many hard casts.
Boomkins are god's in rbgs if you know how to stay out of the way of the melee classes
in some 5v5 they are viable 3v3 not so much 2v2 boomkins suck
I myself have never tried arena that much and i stick to rbgs and that works out pretty well since i have a 1654 Rbg rating and thats because my guild only does rbgs twice per week
and yea get hit/spell capped then start stacking haste

Feral - T11 vs Ruthless spaulders (pve)

For anyone crunching numbers, I'm stuck with Stormrider's Spaulders - baleroc is being a jerk, and i wasn't in line to pickup the t12 shoulders.

My question is, with the base agility on Ruthless Gladiator's Dragonhide Spaulders would they be relevant to swap in, given the base agility?

Could they be more relevant in pve than the t11 I'm stuck with for the time being?
For tanking, yes, 384 is almost universally better than 359, regardless of resilience. For DPS, it depends. Check a sim.
It is a DPS increase of 30, only 30 DPS, to wear the Season 10 shoulders over the 359 T11 shoulders. The same DPS gain you would see if you switched from Ranseur of Hatred to Fandral's Flamescythe.
with my current gear and reforging, and VP's to spend : might as well do it for the giggles or no?

Gearing for Heroics

So I am still a "relatively" new 85. What are your tips for gearing for heroics? Especially like BH and above. I got the full PVP set and am working on replacing it with PVE gear but still need like Bracers, Neck, Boots, etc. What are some good pieces for gearing into heroics and what are the best methods for finding good PVE gear? I've been doing ZA/ZG almost religiously because it's pretty easy considering the +15% max hp from dungeon finder.
You should get glyphs? Enchants help too.
Honestly if you keep doing trolls you'll get the gear you need, and pug tier 11 raids.

Lunar vs Solar Eclipse help

Basically I started a druid and he's dual specced, and I was just wondering if there's an advantage to either side, I get how the eclipses buff nature/arcane; just wondering if you wanna try to get to lunar or solar first or if its situational, can someone explain and give examples? Please and thank you ahead of time :)
The sections on rotation in the sticky are quite helpful in this regard. Short form, you want to be in Solar for AoE situations. For single-target bosses we go back and forth, I tend to go for Lunar first (if after a wipe) in order to get a buffed Starfall off early but there are arguments for going Solar first.
solar is better for AoE, Lunar is better for 1-3 target fights due to starfall. probably head to solar first.
thanks guys :)

Feral PvP Mastery or Crit

Hey guys, ive heard split opinions, what do you think?

And also, 5% is the hit cap correct?


bet ya didn't see that coming!

yes 5% hit is correct. 195 spell pen.
Thanks elle =D
for 2s / 3s i think mastery is better, unless you are playing a heavy burst setup in 3s or double dps in 2s.

i think crit is better in rbgs and 5s.
7% if you want to make sure you hit us pesky nelfs......but i agree with elle on secondary stat weight for each setting

Kitty OS gear.

So I just moved back to my kitty OS set and have been searching around for some gear. I dont mind queueing in ZA/ZG for the chance of certain drops, although I feel I have everything from there that I need other than a neck piece. Am I right in thinking that the one neck drop in ZG is the best neck that I can get without going into raids? Have I overlooked an agility neck that you can get from a fireland vendor somewhere??... they seem to sell all other necks apart from an Agility one. (I know about the Valor neck but currently my valor is still going towards my MS boomkin)
Looks that way, unless you have spare cash and you want to buy the 359 that drops from Poseidus in Vash'jir (if you ever even see that on the AH).

But really, the neck isn't gonna make or break ya until you get an OS drop from your raid!

Give me an inspection sticker

Just wanted a once over from other druid tanks before I start pushing on into heroic Firelands. Any comments or ideas would be appreciated.
Overall it's fine.

I'd consider switching the head and boot enchant for the agility equivalent. As for the shoulder - it's technically better to use the agility one but has haste on it so meh. MEH I say.

On some heroic fights, remember to switch to stamina trinkets where it's not about survivability as much as rng. Heroic Rhy and Shannox (riplimb tank) for example tend to gravitate towards large hits and overall damage mitigation isn't always as useful as health to cope with 2 big smacks in a row without heals). Heroic Beth is another where survival is trumped by "not getting one-shotted."
everything looks good although i prefer using the 50 agi 25 mastery shoulder enchant

Cat Trinkets w/ Brewfest.

I have 3 trinkets i can swap between, and i need some help knowing which are better.

[item="Unheeded Warning" /] 321 Agi and +AP if proc

[item="Essence of the Cyclone" /] 321 Agi and +Crit if proc

[item="Coren's Chilled Chromium Coaster" /] is my newest one. While it gives a great proc of 4000 AP, i dont know if its worth using if i lose the 321 Agi from my other trinkets

Just need a little guidance. Or if you know of an even better trinket please let me know.
For the item thing to work, you go to and you pick out the numbers in the URL bar: for Unheeded Warning you would use in this case its the 59520
my gut says UHW + cyclone.

the brewfest one is weak for kitty, and i doubt the ilvl makes up for it.

haven't simmed it though.
the agi trinkets > crit trinket imo. i would suggest picking up fluid death and running it with cyclone. just my personal thoughts though.
this has been a question that i cant find the answer too. my main problem is to define with precision the weight of attack power for feral cats.
i currently use fluid death and ancient petrified seed, but i have unheed warning, DMC hurricane, and the new Coren's Chilled Chromium Coaster on my bags and i cant decide if its worth changing fluid death for any of them. the hotfixes for unheed warning are obscure to me since the tooltip says one thing but the real proc shows something else.
hard to choose, guess ill have to test it one by one.
also as we are on this subject, isnt the 1000 attack power enchant on weapons better then the 130 agility? i know we must have agility all the way but maybe stacking some attack power can be beneficial depending on the stas weights and current gear.

Heroic Spindle

Over Petrified Seed...thoughts?
No bears have thought about replacing Ancient Petrified Seed with Spidersilk Spindle
TBH the proc only absorbs as much as a high SD bubble, and can only happen once a minute, and usually you don't want to be dropping below 35%.

I'd stick with Seed.

More mana in feral, than in resto.

I am getting gear to heal in raids and i have noticed that in feral i have a substantial increase in total mana while in my healing gear than in my resto spec. Can anyone explain to me why this is?
Most likely Furor - First tier of feral talents.
Furor. It helps to read your talents :P
This thread requires some Bill O'Reilly.

2pc pvp over 359?

Is it worth it to do the gloves and some other piece to get the +70 agi bonus?

For the 371 pieces?

if not, the 384?

Mostly for interrupt heavy fights, of course.
Is it worth it to do the gloves and some other piece to get the +70 agi bonus?

For the 371 pieces?

if not, the 384?

Mostly for interrupt heavy fights, of course.

371 probably not, as it'll quickly be eclipsed by normal mode stuff.

384, yes, most definitely, unless you'll be clearing heroic content in the near future.

Critique please

I'm not normally one to ask for these sort of thing but I went into FL last night and felt like i wasn't pulling my own weight. While I'm sure gear has a little to do with it, I still feel that I should have been doing more. I read the sticky and practice all the time, I think I know the class pretty well for it being an alt but I can't help but think I'm doing something wrong. Any tips or tricks would be greatly appreciated..

this is the one that I felt I did everything I could but still don't think I should be that low
Is there any particular reason that you are enchanting haste on bracers and boots as oppose to Lavawalker and Greater int? Even if you are going for the DI+raid breakpoint of 2322 you can drop one of those, preferably the boot for Lavawalker.

Is there any chance that you can link us logs and/or list your rotation?

Edit: thanks for logs

Edit 2: The only problem that I am seeing is that you are overcasting eclipse. Download Balance Power Tracker and when it tells you that your current spell will put you into eclipse queue up the corresponding spell for your coming eclipse.

But mainly this is just a lack of gear compared to the people that you are comparing yourself to. The next highest spellcaster on that Bale kill has 1000 more SP than you, and thats huge. Heres my guilds last Bale kill and you can see the moonkin there at the bottom. They have similar gear to you, and the same overcasting problems, but really its the huge gear differences that make up that gap.
well the main reason I don't enchant 100% max dps is because its an alt, but I wouldn't mind springing for the expensive stuff if it was better than a 353.

That said I'm not sure that 50 int and lava walker would put me where I think I should be, I know it would be an increase but a small one at that.

I have class now though for a few hours, I'll be back to see if you had any advice for me =)

thanks in advance

Help - My Boomkin dps sucks on Rag HM25m - Ti

Hi fellow druids,

Just starting HM Rag 25m – and feel like my dps is lacking severely from where it should be.
What is the general strategy to use on the seed phase? I pop Barkskin, Starfall, Hurricane (1-2 tick as I see the adds come out), Shrooms, Typhoon and then strafe Dot. Still my AoE dps feel lacking. I also noted that many Boomkins go with “Lunar shower” for HM which I will try next week.

Still though I’ve seen some great boomkin dps but like many other boomkins out there it feels like I am missing some part of the equation that is making me underperform my spec.

I do the rotation from Lunar->Solar & Solar->Lunar just right. Re-dot while Natures Swiftness is up (Generally start of Solar and just as I got out of Solar and then again while in Lunar eclipse). I’ve attached my latest WoL’s and was wondering if any experienced Boomkin could point out what the hell I am missing.

I know for a fact after review some of my other friends Boomkin logs that I should be pushing way more dps but I cannot put my finger on what is the missing link. I follow the guides on the forums but feel like I am missing something. Any tips are appreciated.

A Frustrated Druid.

P.s. I use to play as Feral tank druid from TBC – start of Bot/BwD so still feel new to the whole boomkin thing. Thanks in advance.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Anyone else notice that Typhoon sometimes doesn't go off. This is extremely annoying in arenas when a warrior is about to get knocked off the middle and typhoon wont go off.

I am not silenced, I am not in a smoke cloud, and I am not otherwise CC'd in anyway.

Anyone else having this issue?
Yes, I have this issue from time to time as well. It seems Typhoon has a "multi-part" glitch of sorts.

1. If I try to cast Typhoon immediately after another spell (i.e. mashing my Typhoon button before the GCD is up) it will sometimes "cast" the spell but not have any effect. Mana will be used, the GCD will trigger and the Typhoon cooldown will trigger, but there is no damage to enemies and no knockback.

2. More frequently, I notice that the graphic for Typhoon does not appear at all. This could have something to do with my video settings, but there doesn't seem to be any pattern to it. Sometimes the graphic is invisible and the spell hits, sometimes it doesn't hit...seems to be quite random. Sometimes the graphic is visible but the spell still doesn't have any effect.

Frustratingly enough, I can't detect any sort of pattern to either of these issues. I'm sure there are occasions where I get stunned right as I set it off and the latency between my client and the server may affect the spell, but frequently I encounter these problems when I'm standing in the clear just as you mentioned. It feels like there's definitely a glitch of some sort here, but I suppose we'll just have to wait for Blizz to work out the kinks.
How long do you want to wait?
Typhoon has been broken since cata started and blizz hasn't even acknowledged the fact.

Blizzard has stated repeatedly that they don't care about balance because we are a "third spec." Typhoon will never be fixed.
My typhoon is frequently invisible as well. Sometimes it is invisible and still works, sometimes it uses the cooldown but doesn't seem to cast at all.
This has been happening sense typhoon was first implemented in the game, its sickening how it hasent been fixed yet. Id say bout 90% of the time for me, it works; but the graphic dosent show up, 5% it dosent work at all; and 5% it works like normal.

Feral pvp weps?

I was just wondering which was better for feral druid, the battle staff or the polearm? Most people say its just pure preference, or just cosmetic, but I see more druids with the staff. Is there any real difference besides the look? Ive been told that the difference in top end and speed even out as far as dps goes.
It's all cosmetic.
If you're talking about pvp weapons then no.. Their dps and secondary stats are ALL the same.
It really is down to pure preference.

Although their weapon speeds are different, as long as their dps is the same it wouldn't make any difference because druid forms have their own built-in attack speed. I suppose if you really want to be picky and consider those instances when you're shifted out (I can't imagine many reasons as to why if you're a feral druid) and sneak in an attack or two, I'd probably go with the slower weapon since either weapons will only hit once.
NO they are NOT exactly the same, the staff has .1 more dps overall which is a very small increase. is it a big deal? no not at all, but for those who want just that little advantage it could mean the difference between killing someone, and one hp left.

not to mention the staff looks better :-p
NO they are NOT exactly the same, the staff has .1 more dps overall which is a very small increase. is it a big deal? no not at all, but for those who want just that little advantage it could mean the difference between killing someone, and one hp left.

not to mention the staff looks better :-p
The 0.1 more dps is a rounding error. This has been said a few times. (Not in this thread, but elsewhere.)
NO they are NOT exactly the same, the staff has .1 more dps overall which is a very small increase. is it a big deal? no not at all, but for those who want just that little advantage it could mean the difference between killing someone, and one hp left.

not to mention the staff looks better :-p

NO, they are exactly the same, the staff's .1 more dps is a rounding error.

*slap hands together and spread them*
