I recently decided to become a Resto Druid. With the help of some friends and after a long heroic grind, I've attained somewhat decent gear. I just am still unsure as to how exactly I should be gemming. I hear hitting the 2005 haste cap is extremely important and I'm pretty far from it.
I've been reforging mastery and gemming pretty much int. With my gear is that still a good idea or should I completely go to Haste?
Lastly, any problems with my talent tree/glyphs?
I appreciate all the help!
Personally, I'd drop 1 from Furor and put it into Moonglow.
Here is how I have mine done: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/khaz-modan/Antonioklaus/talent/secondary
I logged out on my bear spec so I can't remember how I did my other stuff.
However, until you get some different gear, the 2005 mark is hard to get. Shoot, I'm only at 1700ish with higher level gear. Don't sacrifice INT for Haste.
Hitting the 2005 mark is tricky, but It's still attainable with less than optimal gear. Basically you have to sacrifice your spirit. As druids we don't need it anyways, but unlike before, it will force you to be incredibly mana conscious.
If there is no way with your current gear to hit 2005, your best staying at 916, and reforging everything to Mastery.
Check your gear against http://www.askmrrobot.com to see if you can optimize it.
reroll resto shaman. resto druid are so horrible in pvp atm.
Personally, I'd drop 1 from Furor and put it into Moonglow.
Here is how I have mine done: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/khaz-modan/Antonioklaus/talent/secondary
I logged out on my bear spec so I can't remember how I did my other stuff.
However, until you get some different gear, the 2005 mark is hard to get. Shoot, I'm only at 1700ish with higher level gear. Don't sacrifice INT for Haste.
Dont follow his spec, He hasnt even taken natures swiftness instead placing the point into blessing of the grove which is lackluster unless using a full hps build which sacrifices even more mana regen.
For your spec move points out of living seed and put atleast two into natures bounty, if you find yourself tank healing alot or want to keep our mastery up easier then go 3/3.
Awesome, appreciate all the help!!!
@Nova I dont PVP :D. I have a boomkin set for BG's but I'm resto for PVE.
@Joedysart. Thanks I'll take out of Living Seed and put em into natures bounty.
@anyone - I have a little bit of trouble with managing my mana at times. Innervate works well at times but what is a general way to manage my Mana a bit better? Any addons to monitor hots so I don't overlap etc etc.
Thanks everyone and I'll be keeping my mastery/Int
Dont follow his spec, He hasnt even taken natures swiftness instead placing the point into blessing of the grove which is lackluster unless using a full hps build which sacrifices even more mana regen.
For your spec move points out of living seed and put atleast two into natures bounty, if you find yourself tank healing alot or want to keep our mastery up easier then go 3/3.
I really like this site: http://restodruid.info/talents/suggested-talent-specs/
I got my talent spec from: http://r4healingtouch.wordpress.com/cata-resto-healing-guide/
It's about 1/2 way down the page.
Personally, adding 4% to rejuv to me is better than Nature's Swiftness in the long run. Nature's swiftness is every 3 minutes. In that time, I've used Rejuv a ton.
Natures swiftness is only a 3min cd if you aren't glyphed fr it.......which you should be :) since the innervate glyph blows now.
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