Monday, April 16, 2012

New to cat & need help please!

I basically have never played cat EVER and this past week I reforged/regemmed/re-enchanted my gear from bear to cat. I was doing 16k dps as a BEAR on Rag in 10m. I did 19k dps on Rag (although WoL said I did 16ke?). I was bursting 29k on domo25 but it dropped to 17k by the end (used tranq, BR & SRx3). I didn't check the parse to see what the e damage was. Not sure if it matters, WoL confuses me. I have done 18-27k on bosses in heroics (depending on fights). The variety in numbers is really confusing me.

I see feral cats doing (in the top 200 WoL) on a few fights as low as 15kdps to 30k+.

Anyways, based on my gear, what should I be pulling on average in Firelands on normal bosses? Is my spec wrong? Can you feral charge rag or will it toss me in the lava (I don't dare try it) There seems to be so much I do not understand about cats that I thought I did. I had 4 pc T11(N) on the runs, I don't know why my armory isn't updating correctly.
Couple things jump out at me. First, don't reforge out of crit into mastery when the opportunity to reforge out of expertise into mastery is there. (Wrists). While the value of hit has gone up since the value of swipe has, I'm curious about your insanely high amount of expertise. I could understand if you were going for pure mastery and reforging haste into expertise on an item with mastery already on it, but giving up so much crit for so much expertise makes no sense.
Hey Sieara.

Your gemming and reforging are just fine. Capping both hit/exp plus mastery heavy is a very good setup if you still have 2p T11 (which you do). I would need to look directly at the logs to give more specific advise.

You should join us over at In the forums we offer gearing and log parsing advise and in general a great place to just talk feral. Have a visit and I would be happy to have a look at your log and give detailed advise.

Edit: Also yes never FC Rag, it is instant death.


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