Let's assume total 100k mana, 5k mana cost of a spell, in 3 minutes to use Innervate:
Furor --> 115k mana meaning 115k * 1.38 (20% innervate + 18% from 18 ticks of Replen) --> 158.7k mana with a 5k spell --> 31.74 casts
Moonglow --> 100k mana meaning 100k * 1.38 (same %s regen) = 138k mana with a 5k*.91 = 4550 spell --> 30.33 casts
Furor slightly better ... but how does it scale?
Let's say 110k total mana:
Furor -> 110k mana meaning 126.5k ---> 126.5k * 1.38 --> 174.57 --> 34.914 casts
Moonglow -> 110k mana meaning 110k * 1.38 --> 151.8 --> 33.36
But what about people pushing 125k raid buffed?
Furor --> 125k meaning 143.75 --> 143.75 * 1.38 --> 198.375 --> 39.675
Moonglow --> 125k meaning 125k * 1.38 --> 172.5k --> 37.91
And all of these are before you factor in the extra spirit regen from the extra int, or things like Power Torrent Procs into even bigger innervates
So I should get Furor?
Are you having mana issues?
Furor is better for Boomkin (because all their regen is based on max mana).
Moonglow is better for Resto for fights longer than 3 minutes, once you factor in spirit regen.
And of course, both are irrelevant if you don't have Mana problems.
If you're talking Resto, this topic has been done 100 times before, and it's been pretty extensively shown that Moonglow is the better talent. There's likely a certain gear level, where Furor will overtake it, but it's not attainable in this tier.
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