Wednesday, April 18, 2012

4.2 Tanking Gear List

Hi, I have seen the web page that shows the "BiS" gear you could get in each slot and while that is appreciated it does not really help the majority of druids that tank. Most people do not have access to those items and have not progressed that far yet.

That said, does anyone know of a place that has a list of maybe the top 3 to 5 items for each slot in reference to tanking?

Such a list is provided for 4.1 and is a sticky at the top of the forums. That list helped me greatly when I reached 85. I feel a list like that would be more valuable to druids in general so they can work on gearing up 1 step at a time.

stat priority didn't change, so you should be able to figure it out from those lists. the only hard part is trinkets, but those are situational anyways.
I mean I suppose I could enhance the list to include options that don't require raiding.

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