■What type of content do you focus on? [Both, as mostly Balance]
■If PvE, what type of PvE? [Heroics, as Balance]
■If PvP, what type of PvP? [Arenas, and BGs. (I had a level 80 druid during wrath of the lich king, but due to no longer liking tauren forms rerolled troll]
■What are your biggest quality-of-life issues? For instance, no longer requiring ammo could be considered a quality-of-life improvement for hunters. Not needing reagants to buff the raid or Battleground grp.
■What makes playing your class more fun? Being a death-bringing boomchicken, and being unique
■What makes playing your class less fun? Bash missing and Cyclone being resisted
■How do you feel about your “rotation”? (Rotation is the accepted order in which abilities are used to maximum efficiency.) I feel it is a engaging and challenging/fun rotation that should remain the way it is.
■What’s on your wish list for your class? 1.)For moonkin form to stay a PERMANENT form forever. Not turn it into a CD. Lots of people play as Balance for the thrill of being a Moonkin and turning it into a cd would result in alot of people quitting balance, or their druid all together...(As would I). 2.)And for moonkin to be updated. Updated, not changed into a COOLDOWN. Cat form, Bear form, and Tree of Life form have all had some update since wotlk or cata. Boomkin has remain unchanged since vanilla. It really needs to be updated, not a drastic change, just to up the poly count to make it more in line with the other forms. Just look at the feet when they walk... 3.)a /roar as Moonkin. and 4.)Typhoon bugs to be fixed... It bugs out all the time (Misfiring, not showing graphic, using up a gcd without firing, etc.)
■What spells do you use the least? Anything in the Feral book becides Bash and Dash, and Nourish as it has too long of a cast time for such a small heal.
What type of content do you focus on? [PvE/PvP/Both]: PvE
If PvE, what type of PvE? [Heroics/Raids/Other]: Raids
If PvP, what type of PvP? [Arenas, BGs, Rated BGs]: N/A
What are your biggest quality-of-life issues? I care mostly about game play issues, but like others have said, seeing the same bear form I had at level 10 is a bit disappointing.
What makes playing your class more fun? Being one of the few classes that can become significantly different things with talent swaps, and being the only one that can be 4 different types.
What makes playing your class less fun? I disliked the WOTLK model of "Set it and forget it", but the Cata model leaves things to be desired. We have few significant cooldowns; an absorb spell or proc, a cooldown to be used on the tank (even if it made barkskin targetable), an Inspiration like talent, and the ability to full stack lifebloom (And by this I mean swapping a full stack from one target to another) would all go long ways to making the druid a bit more fleshed out. Right now I feel like we are the stabilizers of raids; strong in full healing output, and in fights like Staghelm where you're super worried about maximizing huge amounts of healing to everyone we really shine. Unfortunately, these are few and far between. The very nature and sheer amount of active healing we can keep on a target seems like it keeps us from getting more "on demand" healing abilities. I've played all of the heal classes at 85, and the differences between them is significantly noticeable even as early as heroics. I also feel like a bit of a tweak to even iconic spells (like regrowth) should be made. Flash heal, Flash of Light and Healing Surge generally heal for more, for less mana on other classes compared to our regrowth. I am aware that this is because of the hot effect, but now that our mastery has changed it feels we could lose the hot component of the spell. I like swiftmending the regrowth hot, but often feel like that is almost a necessity because of the low healing component of the direct heal equation of the spell in an emergency situation. This takes an additional GCD, as does TOL.
For ferals I feel extremely rage starved, and I feel I lack cooldowns to put me on target with tanks like prot paladins. Pallies admittedly have the most survivability cooldowns of all tanks, but having played both at 85 the difference is devastating. No fear break is also disturbing and something I miss.
How do you feel about your “rotation”? (Rotation is the accepted order in which abilities are used to maximum efficiency.) I am fine with feral cat since this is more about priorities, but I feel the moonkin needs some work. More offensive cooldowns would be nice, and something that doesn't feel like the filler between eclipse states is worthless.
What’s on your wish list for your class? I'd like less talent bloat in resto; Cata was refreshing in that the talents became so good, but druids are one of the few classes that has significant talents left in trees that are mostly passive talents. And they all feel necessary.
What spells do you use the least? You can find a use for everything, and I take pleasure in doing so and being a stronger player for it. Thorns being on such a short duration, and long cooldown makes it hard to utilize effectively, especially if you need every gcd. It feels like one of the holdovers from vanilla, where people said, WELL YOU HAVE THORNS, and the answer is, no, no we don't.
I love the druid, but I feel we've been backed into a corner by how even we perceive ourselves and because of this, cannot move forward. I look forward to some interpretations of these posts from the devs!
Let's get started, shall we?
What type of content do you focus on? Everything I do related to PvE Raiding content. I understand there are styles of play, but I think this is the pinnacle.
What are your biggest quality-of-life issues? I think Moonkin are in a really good place as far as everyday play. AoE balance between the eclipses would make things flow a lot more smoothly and not force me to sit in Solar for extreme amounts of time waiting on a burst phase in a fight. I would like to see Moonkin form get a graphical update similar to the cat/bar, but do NOT remove Moonkin form!
What makes playing your class more fun? I love the idea of shapeshifting! Obviously, the class has to be competative in terms of damage and utility and I think that we are there right now. I've played moonkin when we were just brught a long as a +hit/decurse bot. I really appreciate being able to both do damage and control fights.
What makes playing your class less fun? Still being penalized for being a "hybrid." This is a really archaic descriptor as it relates to damage potential. Unless my healing in that spec is something significant, my damage shouldn't be reduced in any way to compensate.
How do you feel about your “rotation”? I normally enjoy a rotation that is easy to learn but really rewards those who master it. I think the current Moonkin rotation is almost there. The knowledge of how to manage dots as they relate to Nature's Grace and Eclipse is nice and much more engaging that the current Arcane Mage style. I also enjoy planning my burst (whether AoE or single target) around an eclipse. I don't have a problem with needing to delay an eclipse just before a burst phase. I think this rewards the experienced and those willing to think through the fight.
Having said that though, the two eclipses need to be balanced for AoE. Currently Solar is the AoE eclipse and having to delay for an extensive period of time of loses the fun that this style originally brought. Thankfully, there is a really easy fix to the problem. Simply buffing Hurricane and allowing it to benefit from Lunar Eclipse instead of Solar would result in evening out the AoE imbalances and give the player more options and make the class feel less punished by having to sit in the "mushroom eclipse" for far too long.
What’s on your wish list for your class? An Arcane based AoE ability which would balance out potential between the two eclipses. I'm still hopeful for a graphical update for Moonkin form. Finally, protection from the Moonkin form NOT becoming some kind of cooldown. I really enjoy shifting for combat and can look at my gear in town or when questing if I like.
What spells do you use the least? Hurricane isn't even on my bar anymore. I use my CC and Soothe less and less every week. At the start of the xpac they were indefensible and I enjoyed having to play the control role and felt proud when it was the moonkin that saved the pull by rooting, hibernating, and even cycloning a wayward add if things went bad during a fight.
What type of content do you focus on? [PvE/PvP/Both]: PvE
If PvE, what type of PvE? [Heroics/Raids/Other]: Raids/Heroics
What are your biggest quality-of-life issues? For instance, no longer requiring ammo could be considered a quality-of-life improvement for hunters.:
Although I think resto is in a great place right now, a lack of quick, strong heals can sometimes be a detriment especially when my raid group consists of 2 resto druids and a shammy. HoTs are great and powerful, but alas they do not save lives. The changes to mastery and the recent crit modification helped quite a bit though.
What makes playing your class more fun? I love the versatility the class offers.
What makes playing your class less fun? Cosmetic issues. Not able to use fun trinkets/flasks/wands or anything that changes our appearance. Not to mention the uninteresting tree forms. We get a choice between the appearance of rotten cauliflower or a tree that resembles a victim of drive-by graffiti. Even Boomkin form could be updated. Why not change the color of the boomkin in relation to hair color like cats and bears?
How do you feel about your “rotation”? (Rotation is the accepted order in which abilities are used to maximum efficiency.): Resto's spell synergy is just fine, imo.
What’s on your wish list for your class? New tree and boomkin art.
What spells do you use the least? cower and thorns(not worth the mana expense)
Thanks for putting this thread up Nyan.
OK, take two (stupid forums ate my last post).
What type of content do you focus on? [PvE/PvP/Both]
PvE mostly, casual PvP
If PvE, what type of PvE? [Heroics/Raids/Other]
Heroics only for VP, mostly normal raids, heroic raids when guild is capable
If PvP, what type of PvP? [Arenas, BGs, Rated BGs]
What are your biggest quality-of-life issues? For instance, no longer requiring ammo could be considered a quality-of-life improvement for hunters.
- First and foremost, visual representation of our gear when we are in forms. See wishlist for what I'd like to see implemented.
- Reagents are as obsolete as ammo now, imo. A mandatory Glyph of Bag Space is just silly, surely minor glyph slots can be filled with more interesting things than that.
- We have 4 specs that many people like playing. That is 4 different sets of gear (for optimal enchants/gems etc) we have to find bag space for if we want to cart it all around, or constant trips to the bank every time we get an upgrade or change specs. Plus PvP sets for those who do that as well. Ugh. It is not fun at all to have to micromanage so much bag space.
- Some (non-combat, ie crafting, opening chests, gathering quest items, mounting vehicles, using flight masters, etc) actions autoshift you out of form. Some actions can be done in any form. Some actions shift you out of some forms but not others. Some actions won't be allowed unless you manually shift out of form. There is too much inconsistency imo, and having to remember which action does what can be annoying at times.
What makes playing your class more fun?
- The sheer versatility, both macro (respeccing to fill any role) and micro (within a raid/dungeon/bg or while questing). Being highly mobile through the use of forms. Feeling like a truly unique <insert role here> through this utility and the style of play.
- Mastering the unique strengths and weaknesses of our spec.
- Standing out from the rest of the group/crowd because of our forms.
- Getting to use most of the abilities in our toolbox, especially through other forms, in a fight. My favourite fight to date has been Cho'gall as balance. I was able to use so many spells that I rarely get to use in a boss fight, it was amazing. Typhoon, solar beam, and warstomp as mind control interrupts; mushrooms, starfall, and typhoon as aoe damage/slows; nature's grasp for when a blood got loose and came after me; as well as my standard dps spells and rebirth/innervate....sooo much fun. Similarly, going kitty to dash around kiting the Atramedes beam was cool as well. Using bear form to taunt down a spinner in Beth'tilac and travel form to get to spiderlings quickly. Etc.
What makes playing your class less fun?
- Using gcds to stack the same spell over and over again, when max stacks are really the only viable use for the spell. The 3 spells we have like that are FF, Mushrooms and Lifebloom. (I don't think Lacerate lacks for being a single stack per application.) You made the FFF a 3-stack application as a feral talent, which is great. Why can't Mushrooms and LB have similar talents for Balance and Resto respectively? The LB talent might need a cd to make it balanced though, but these are defining spells for each spec, it feels like they should get it easier than those using it in an offspec.
- Having awesome raid utility abilities like Rebirth and Innervate, but being punished for using them if we happen to be the 'wrong' spec. Rebirth in particular suffers dramatically for not being castable in feral form, and moonkin suffer as well from being force-shifted out of form (even if it is 'only' through having to spend a gcd to shift back into moonkin). Feral specs would be punished enough (lack of dps or lack of threat generation/dodging ability) while casting in form....but they are punished even further by losing buffs from procs (I haven't actually tested it yet but I assume you lose the Savage Defence bubble if you shift out of bear), rage, energy, health and armour (for bears) and combo points.
Innervate is now pretty useless to all non-resto specs, except after a brez. Ferals suffer even more (see above) since at least moonkin can use it without being shifted back to caster form. 5% mana gain is pointless except after a brez, and moonkin don't need to use it on themselves otherwise, since mana is not a problem with Euphoria and OoC.
These two abilities especially, are supposed to be class-defining abilities, and it sucks that we can't use them to their full potential.
(continued next post)
How do you feel about your “rotation”? (Rotation is the accepted order in which abilities are used to maximum efficiency.)
Resto: I haven't raid healed much, mainly zandalari heroics, but I am definitely finding it a PITA to keep LB at 3 stacks especially when a lot of raid/party damage is going on. Atm it feels like my whole healing strategy revolves around keeping LB up, as my primary mana regen tool. I haven't yet healed a tank-swap fight where I am responsible for both tanks, but I can see the whole LB-stacking thing is going to be very frustrating. Otherwise, I love the variety of heals at my disposal and the way hots and direct heals interact. I'm not sure about how I feel about ToL changing up the way we heal so dramatically, maybe it will just need a lot of practice using it to get the hang of it.
Bear: I think it is in a good place right now, not too many buttons for threat/dps, and not too boring defensively. I could see it being more interesting if we had more defensive abilities on a shorter (60-90sec) cd, perhaps dodge-related. Atm I feel that Frenzied Regen and SI are on too long a cd to blow without a genuine O!@#$E moment, yet not really that powerful separately....I tend to be a 'use both together, or neither' tank. Maybe that is my failing, but that is how I see those abilities. Whereas Barkskin I love because it is on a short enough cd that I can use it when I am taking a little more damage than usual (or a healer is down and I am waiting for a brez, or something like that) but am not really in enough danger to warrant a FR or SI, and know that it will be ready for me again if something else comes up like that, and if a genuine O%^-*E moment does arrive I still have my bigger cds.
Balance: I like the eclipse mechanic and how it forces us to use all our single-target damage spells in our rotation. There are two problems I have with it though, which have been brought up before: there is too much incentive to game the mechanic for aoe (ie too much of our aoe is solar), and there is no way to force an eclipse for a burn phase, which in short phases like Alysrazor, can be a huge dps loss if we are caught coming out of or just ending an eclipse and again encourages stopping our rotation for some amount of time to game the mechanic. These could be easily remedied by making all our aoe spellstorm damage, and giving us a cooldown that takes us into the next eclipse (or one of the eclipses if the counter has been reset after a death).
What type of content do you focus on? [PvE/PvP/Both] Feral Tank(Bear) PvE, Balance PvE/PvP
If PvE, what type of PvE? [Heroics/Raids/Other]
Heroic 5 mans, solo'n old world content, Normal 10 man raiding, some heroic 10 man raiding.
If PvP, what type of PvP? [Arenas, BGs, Rated BGs]
Random Battlegrounds, no arenas, no rateds. Though my feedback will not be given on this as I'm primarily a pve player and bgs.
What are your biggest quality-of-life issues? For instance, no longer requiring ammo could be considered a quality-of-life improvement for hunters.
The biggest quality of life issue I have(though I am very proficient at it) is casting thorns between pulls to give a larger buffer to aoe aggro generation. Though it is counter-intuitive as you become better geared as a bear druid. The better your gear is, the higher your agility and hence dodge is. The higher your dodge is, the less likely you will get hit, and the more worthless Thorns is.
I also would like to state that Thorns castable in forms is not needed. Our aoe is plenty strong without it!
Bear druids also lack a ranged interrupt. This is a very large quality of life issue, it does not make the class deficient, though honestly my suggestion(which is very comical yet would be loved by the community completely) is:
Baby Bear Cub Launch:
Launches a Bear Cub out of the Druid's mouth which does AP*.25 damage and bounces to up to two additional nearby targets. All targets hit by the Bear Cub are silenced for 3 seconds.
Cost: 10 rage
Cooldown: 18 seconds
Moonkin have a large quality of life issue in that their movement dps is very intensely micro intensive. You have to move out of X ability, while planting mushrooms, and then detonating. Just the act of moving, aka using keybinds, while moving the camera in such a way where:
a)You can see where you're moving to and recognizing it's not dangerous
b)You can see where you want to plant your mushrooms
c)You have enough fingers and keybinds to do this with two hands between your mouse and keyboard
Other than that, personally I love moonkin as it's a hard-casting class in raids and it has some control tools which make it versatile compared to some other casters.
Druid General
Druids are also the only tank which can't show their gear progression while tanking, we also can't use transformative potions and items like Noggenfogger/Iron boot flask etc while tanking/dps'n.
What makes playing your class more fun?
Bear Bears are the most fun tank I have played. Purely because of the versatility. There were many occasions while tanking which I've had the ability to brez someone. I've also had the ability to innervate, and tranquility to save wipes(Ascendant Council yayyyy!). The best part of Bear tanking is that we are so much different than the other tanks. We gear differently, our reforging is for avoidance instead of mastery, our gems are agility instead of mastery/stam(unless you're pushing progression than you of course could go stam).
Bears can also be almost a full-fledged dps character while in tank gear. If we lose just a bit of dodge in reforging, we could do quite a bit of kitty damage when not tanking.
Moonkins are very fun and the eclipse state is less like anything else I've played in my years of Warcraft. The hard-casting back and forth down the Eclipse scale makes what would be a mundane rotation into something you really have to 'game' in order to make work and adds a level of intensity that I haven't seen matched.
Druid General
Druids are the most versatile class. It's great to be able to think to myself, I'm sick of melee dps, and just switch on the same character to a ranged dps. I can tank, I can heal, I can do any kind of dps. All the dps specs are good as well. Feral might lag a bit behind in very high end raiding average parses, but it's still worthwhile to bring to a raid if a spot is needed!
What makes playing your class less fun?
Bears are the tank without the ability to gain full combat table coverage. This makes many fights on heroic dangerous for bears as they'll be more spikey(though admittedly less spikey than Death Knights) than a shield wearing tank. This may be something which is a balance issue, and I accept that, though it also makes things less fun if you're not going to be able to do your job in high-end content because of balance. Parity is very hard to achieve and we've never been as close as we are. Though full CTC needs to be done away with in order for tanks to have an even playing field.
Bears of course don't have a ranged interrupt which I also listed above. This requires a group which is in-tune with what needs to be done. This involves communication which is sometimes not so prevalent or received well in random dungeons. This makes bear tanking more difficult at lower-entry levels compared to say, a Paladin, a Warrior, a Death Knight.
Also, unable to see gear progression in forms.
Moving while dps'n is punitive, though admittedly it probably should be. Though the mechanic in place for it is very difficult. Also gear progression as stated above.
How do you feel about your “rotation”? (Rotation is the accepted order in which abilities are used to maximum efficiency.)
I feel bear, kitty, and moonkin rotations are very well done and tightly tuned. Exactly as all classes should be. You have the availability of a number of abilities and need to use them in the correct rotation(priority system) in order to gain the maximum benefit. There are also very little down-time(not even a gcd often), which makes it more engaging.
What’s on your wish list for your class?
Parity in heroic content tanking between the tanks(bears being as good as a full CTC shield tank).
A raid cooldown. Something, cover the raid in bear spirits or something which makes them all take 10% less damage and have 10% more damage potential for 6 seconds or something. A little different, but would be a welcome change!
What spells do you use the least?
Challenging Roar(don't even have it on my bars for some reason).
Innervate, though I use it when I can, it's nearly worthless for whoever I cast it on.
What’s on your wish list for your class?
- Some way to show at least some of our gear on our main forms. Whether it be only a few pieces (I'd be happy with just helm and shoulders), or a more involved system that changes our hide/feather/bark patterns, gives us tattoos, or lets us have a different species of cat/bear/tree/owlkin for average ilevel, I think something needs to be implemented to let us take advantage of the upcoming transmogrification tool.
- More consistency in which forms can perform which actions.
- An equipment tab for each of our 4 specs (and maybe a pvp tab as well) that lets us equip a set of gear for each spec and not have that gear take up bag or bank space. Each piece of gear would have to be flagged as belonging to one or more of the specs, just like the equipment manager tool.
- A spell to place all 3 mushrooms at once, in a tight group. This could be (should be imo) limited to balance spec. I believe the detonate cd is enough of a restraint to make mushrooms more useful in both pve and pvp without making them too powerful.
- A way to place a 3-stack of Lifebloom at once on a target. This would need a cooldown to make it balanced, and I think it should be limited to resto only.
- More range on Challenging Roar. Seriously, when you need to taunt the room, 10 yard range just isn't going to cut it. If you are going to give us an aoe taunt on such a long cd, make it work on things outside swipe range.
- Travel form usable indoors.
- A permanent tree form. Even making the current ToL cd change you into a bigger tree (like the Ancients) while you are normally in the old tree form (or the current ToL form). I'd make it mandatory, ie no mastery benefit or something if you aren't in tree form, IF AND ONLY IF you make gear representation visible on the tree form as well. Otherwise, give us an option (glyph/shirt/something to keep in our bags/barbershop) to have a permatree form.
- More control over our savage defence procs, ie make them 100% from crit rather than 50%. Make the bubbles smaller to compensate.
- A cooldown to let us force an eclipse.
- A few more weak, but shorter cd, defensive abilities as tanks.
- All aoe damage spells to be spellstorm damage (perhaps only in balance spec?).
- Some spells, Rebirth and Innervate at least, to be castable in all combat forms.
- Innervate to become useful again to non-resto specs. I think making it return whatever resource the target uses (mana/energy/rage/runic power) is not too much to ask for.
- More fights that let us use our full range of abilities, especially other forms.
- An incentive to take/use Nature's Swiftness. I (and afaik most resto druids) simply macro it to HT.....and one instant HT every 3 mins is just not good enough. If it were a guaranteed crit.....that might be enough incentive. Or something else, I don't know. Just needs to be more attractive.
What spells do you use the least?
Teleport:Moonglade is obsolete now that there are druid trainers everywhere. Cower. Soothe (though it actually does get used in heroics now......sometimes). Nature's Grasp in pve. Cyclone.
■What type of content do you focus on? [PvE/PvP/Both]
■If PvE, what type of PvE? [Heroics/Raids/Other]
5 man-heroics
■If PvP, what type of PvP? [Arenas, BGs, Rated BGs]
Arenas, BGs
■What are your biggest quality-of-life issues?
Resto isn't so much of a prob any more but I hate being stuck in boomkin all the time they look like feathered waterballons. (make a interface or glyph option for this). Same thing with armor such as shoulders (needs a interface option).
■What makes playing your class more fun?
The constant interaction with my moves.
■What makes playing your class less fun?
I have a problem with healing touch and nourish. They're both too slow to be worth using in pvp or high damage fights especially with under geared players and regrowth uses so much mana but it's the only way I can get my burst healz because even with all the hots they can't cover 2 big hits in a row. So usually at around 10% boss hp I go oom mostly on constant hard hitting fights it's a problem.
■How do you feel about your “rotation”?
good besides the healing touch, nourish, regrowth problem.
■What’s on your wish list for your class?
More colorful gear I view druids a lively but only tier 1 and 11 (shoulders) make me feel that the rest makes me think im a bloated animal or nature's warlock. So bascially less dead or miserable looking gear more color(bright reds, yellows, greens) and not everything has to glow to look cool......
■What spells do you use the least?
Teloport: Moonglade, Healing touch, Nourish, Nature's swiftness, Hurricane, Hibernate, Soothe, Thorns, and almost anything in feral...... lol.
And thank you for the continuation. :P
No problem for setting up a continuation thread guys. And keep them coming. Make sure blizzard knows moonkin form needs an UPDATE not removal.
Sorry about cutting your post in half Dahakha!
Yes, I'd like a fun new moonkin form. Maybe a Skettis mob form!? :)
Keep it comin!
What type of content do you focus on?PVE, I'm a Boomie
If PvE, what type of PvE? Playing around, my LW, farming
What are your biggest quality-of-life issues? My heals on myself aren't good enough, Mushrooms are too time consuming having to plop down 3 separately, be nice to be able to put them all down at once. Fairy fire, 3 stack please.
What makes playing your class more fun? Shape shifting def
What makes playing your class less fun? My dps is not what I'd like it to be
How do you feel about your “rotation”? Kind of boring but ok
What’s on your wish list for your class? I don't want to end up with our form changed much, (The spastic giant purple broccoli trees turned into is horrific) but If nothing else PLEASE close our mouth so we don't look like stupid mouth breathers, It makes us look like we are retarded. It would be sweet if our color changed with our hair. I'd like a pink Boomie for me please :). Give trees their form back, they are the only one that cannot keep their shapeshift form, soooo very unfair. Maybe just give them the giant tree on proc. Would be nice if travel form went the same speed as a mount so we can use it more.
What spells do you use the least? Soothe
Deleted by Pímpamedic
What type of content do you focus on? [PvE/PvP/Both]
If PvE, what type of PvE? [Heroics/Raids/Other]
5 mans and 10 mans.
If PvP, what type of PvP? [Arenas, BGs, Rated BGs]
All pvp, mostly arena
What are your biggest quality-of-life issues? For instance, no longer requiring ammo could be considered a quality-of-life improvement for hunters.
FIX SKULL BASH BUG PLS Skull bash bug, Kitty step not landing behind the target quickly enough.
Bear tanks are boring to play, no interesting abilities. Still be inferior to rogues in in many ways. You can't run a RBG without a rogue because of smokebomb, feral druids get left behind in RBG's because we cant compete with other flag runners due to a lack of good defensive utility(spell reflect, intervene, grip, shell, BoP, freedom ect ect) and we dont have bomb.
What makes playing your class more fun?
Speed, damage and self-healing(funny how our healing is worst than pures now lol). My love of tanking died after trying a warrior and dk.
What makes playing your class less fun?
No being able to enjoy tanking or run flags because prot and dk's are better. Skull bash bugged/no landing.. Feral charge cat taking too long to get to target and not always putting us behind them. Poor energy regen
How do you feel about your “rotation”? (Rotation is the accepted order in which abilities are used to maximum efficiency.)
Kitty is fine, bear is boring.
What’s on your wish list for your class?
A talent that gives barkskin a spell reflect effect for 5 secs. An interesting tanking ability, something unique to bears "Bear Hug" that grabs 2-3 targets and spins them+damage for 5 secs.. Summon stampede maybe, like summon 3 animals to assist tanking, or an aoe protection type shell. Maybe give all druids treants /shrug.
What spells do you use the least?
Hurricane and regrowth for obvious reasons.
What type of content do you focus on?
PVE mostly, but also some PVP
If PvE, what type of PvE?
Raiding, newer heroics
If PvP, what type of PvP?
arena, bg, rated-bg
What are your biggest quality-of-life issues?
I'd like to be able to single-click mount from a feral form. Right now I have to unshift to caster then click again to mount.
What makes playing your class more fun?
The feral rotation complexity. I like that my adeptness at the rotation can have a material impact on my DPS.
Also, I love the freedom in the feral talent tree to manage being a hybrid that can switch from DPS to tanking in a single spec.
What makes playing your class less fun?
Bosses where we can't reach their backside, like when they're sitting in lava. Also, bosses that require too much movement so that we are forced to use a dumbed-down version of our rotation.
How do you feel about your “rotation”?
I love the complexity of the feral rotation and wish it was even a bit more complex. For example, give us an option that, if we're good enough, lets the elite players squeak out a little extra DPS, but if we mess up, penalizes us. But leave a simpler, lower dps rotation available for beginners and less experienced ferals.
What’s on your wish list for your class?
A cooldown ability that lets us cast spells in feral form. For example, if I'm tanking and someone dies, I could pop this and battlerez them without shifting out of bear form and continue tanking. Make the cooldown long enough that maybe it's not available every fight, since it would be a powerful ability.
Some kind of ultra-hybrid ability (on a long cooldown) that would allow us to shift to another spec (possibly our secondary spec, but preferably a simple predetermined spec) for the remainder of the current combat or a couple minutes. For example, if I'm DPSing as Feral and a healer dies, I pop this ability and I can be a decent healer for the remainder of the fight even though I'm not wearing resto gear (but give up my feral abilities until I cancel the effect). Or if I'm resto and the tank dies, I could pop it and tank, even though I'm wearing resto gear.
What spells do you use the least?
Abilities that are gimped because they're not in my spec. Like mushrooms when I'm feral. Or heals, even. They're so inefficient, they're pretty much worthless. I used to innervate healers when they needed a boost beforeyou gimped that, too. Basically, don't give me abilities that are so worthless. Either make them useful or remove them if I'm not in the preferred spec.
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