Saturday, April 21, 2012


So, I've been thinking of maybe becoming a troll. Do they have good animations, looks, forms, etc? Also do they actually look good in druid gear? Just thinking about it and any of info would be greatly appreciated :)
I like my Troll's animations a lot more than the Tauren's. Plus, you don't look ridiculous on mounts. FemTrolls and FemNelves look pretty much the same in the gear so you would get used to a Troll quickly.

And the best part... You can fit through all doorways as a Troll! Not that you had that problem as a Nelf but I can tell you it was very annoying having to dismount to get off the elevator in UC.
dont do it!

i would never give up my warstomp for da VOODOO SHUFFLE!
Teal bear > *
Berserk + lifeblood + natures grace + some decent gear = a 1.2 second cast starfire.

Trolls are cute, too. I think they look good in the current balance t10.
i transferred to troll, love my cat form. however the bear form somehow looks like boar form to me
Race changed as soon as my server came up, loving my troll forms (except flight form which is still a bird)

I guess its down to the fact that my first ever character was Tauren in 2004 and i have gotten a little tired of not getting through doors and looking a bit goofy on some mounts lol.

Had some nice comments when i logged in outside of Org and the obligatory "You look stupid" one's too hehe but hey i like it so that is all that matters. Love the casting animations, i always have as i have a Troll Shammy also.

As for racials i just like the troll ones better, warstomp is nice but i hardly used it to be honest and i have been using Berserk a lot so far.
Yeah I'm doing the race change now looking forward to having two berserks
So, I've been thinking of maybe becoming a troll.

By posting on these forums, you are automatically becoming a troll.
So trolling as a troll makes you and I a legitimate, genuine troll.

Which drains down to the fact that you are a systemic anomaly inherent to the programming of
the Paid Race Change service although the transport process has altered your consciousness you irrevocably remain trollo-sapiens

Following that logic, if you are not a troll and trolling, you are discrediting yourself.
Ergo! Concordantly! vis-a-vie!: go pay the $25! and enjoy the prestige!
yes. trolls are the best race in the game.
Why would anyone want to be a hideous technicolor clown?
Thanks for all the posts! I'm most likely going to become one of the sen'jin troll druids :)
My two cents:

Trolls were always my favorite race. My Shaman Main is a Troll, the first character I made for the game was a Troll, I'm biased. The new starting area makes it all the better.

The Bear/Cat forms rock about equally to the others, though all races are pretty cool in their own way.

Moonkin is just a Pallette-swap of Nelf (as is Worgen), so it depends how you feel about that.

Swift Flight Form is a freakin' sweet bat.

So, that's why I made another Troll and another Druid yesterday, though while this toon is Balance I might spec the troll Feral. If any of this appeals to you, don't wait another second.

I found myself transferring servers and factions just the other day to a troll druid to join my friend on Jaedenar. I too was a Night Elf, starting probably four years ago absolutely loving the race and forms...They were just amazing to me!

To be honest though I really didn't think Blizzard could outdo the Night Elves with Troll druids. Oh man was I wrong. There is not one thing I dislike about my druid now. I really think you'd enjoy the change - even if you just wanted a change of looks (though waiting for Worgen might be better for you, since there's no faction change involved). Plus, things are only projected to get better with the "bat" form! :D

If you do change, enjoy it my friend. I highly doubt you'll be disappointed.

Haha thanks! Glad knowing that there is a better race for a druid then night elf :)

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