Greetings fellows,
I am writing to you this evening requesting some assistance with my gear/spec. I'm currently in a 3/7 FL guild with limited heroic experience. We do well enough for only raiding 2 days a week but was wondering if I'm preforming at my peak.
I'm fairly new to healing, did a little back in BC on a pally. Kinda got pidgeonholed by my raid group/Blizzard (rotated resto duties with a shaman on fights that didn't require a 10 second interrupt i.e. one or two fights) and my offspec turned into a main spec.
We got through a few heroics in T11 but I felt like I was flying by the seat of my pants. I read up on all the theories but at the same time don't know if everything I'm using is up to snuff.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Don't worry about my ego, I'm a tough Troll.
Thanks in advance :)
Well all I can say is you have a few options, you're 700 haste off from the next breakpoint you could try and hit that, if not though, you're basically wasting 400 pts on haste that is useless. If you can't hit 2005 then you should be reforging the haste into mastery until you get down to 917 haste - due to rounding I usually like to get a few pts higher than is necessary. OR, if you have a Warlock in your raid team and they're willing to give Dark Intent to you (3% haste buff), you can reforge to 1573 haste to get that extra tic from your Wild Growth (this is assuming you also have a boomkin/shammy/shadowpriest in your raid as well - for the 5% haste raid buff).
The only other thing is the way you have your gems set up. Dont' put the 20 int 20 haste(or mastery) gem in the relic, since we're forced to gem 2 yellow/orange to fulfill the meta requirement, you might as well put them in something that gives you a bonus; like you're shoulders for example. Now you can put the 40 int into the relic and you've gained a free 10 intellect over what you have now.
Also, on your legs, the socket bonus is 20 intellect, so if you throw a 20 int 20 spirit gem in the blue socket you hit the socket bonus and make up the lost 20 int - so you now gain 20 more spirit absolutely free.
Spec looks fine (it's the same as mine). I guess that's about it lol
Edit: actually, you're honored with avengers of hyjal so go get Firescar Sash. yay for upgrades!
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