Thursday, April 12, 2012

Boomie how too ?

[:1]Hi there,

Just converted my druid from feral to first time ever as boomie, its lvl 85

In the yrs Ive had my druid I have never looked at playing boomie, now i would like to try it, something different.

I am at a loss, I have noidea what spells are needed on my bar, what to even use too dps with and when.

Can anyone please assist me here ?
Thus is a Huge change for me from feral too boomie.
I just dont know where to begin at all.
Read blue sticky at the top of the forum first, tons of good information there. Then post once you have questions :) We'd be happy to help you out.
I have and its written for more of ppl who have some exp as a boomie.

As for me, never played caster/dot classes etc its very confusing/

Am I to just spawn Insect swarm and moonfire on single target and stand there and wait for dots to fall off ? or am I using wrath or something more inbetween ?

Insect swarm to initiate Natures Grace, then moonfire target...
cast wrath to gain lunar energy, or starfire for solar energy..
use starsurge on cooldown (or whenever availiable from dot ticks)
once you reach eclipse you spam the opposing nuke..
Eclipse also resets the cooldown of your natures grace.
Solar eclipse will buff your nature spells (shrooms, wrath, insect swarm)
- if specced into it, will morph moonfire into sunfire which is just higher damage.
Lunar eclipse will buff your arcane spells (starfire, starfall, moonfire)
starsurge gets buffed from either or..

also i do know to plant shrooms before entering the solar eclipse so you dont loose dps.

I dont PVE, so not sure on an exact rotation, but something similar to this..

pretty much its all about moving from arcane damage to nature damage based on a point system....
I have and its written for more of ppl who have some exp as a boomie.

As for me, never played caster/dot classes etc its very confusing/

Am I to just spawn Insect swarm and moonfire on single target and stand there and wait for dots to fall off ? or am I using wrath or something more inbetween ?

I don't know what level you are, but copy this spec and glyph setup as best you can:

For starters, there are 5 main spells you want on your bar.

Insect Swarm (IS) - nature
Moonfire (MF) - arcane, unless it morphs into sunfire during solar eclipse, and then it's nature
Wrath - nature
Starfire (SF) - arcane
Starsurge (SS) - both nature AND arcane

You'll notice when you're in your balance spec that you have an eclipse energy bar just under your portrait (assuming you're using default UI).

The point of the balance "rotation" is to move the arrow on that bar from side to side. When it points towards the sun (which is the solar eclipse end), SF and SS will move the slider closer to the sun. When it points towards the moon, wrath and SS spells will move the slider closer to the moon.

Once you pass either the sun or moon, you're in eclipse, which increases the damage of some of your spells. Solar eclipse will increase the damage of your nature spells, and lunar eclipse will increase the damage of your arcane spells.

For now, just focus on mastering how to move your eclipse bar around, and to always keep your dots up. Try to cast IS before your cast MF. Once you get good at this, you'll probably be ready to look at the sticky again.

Oh, yeah... READ YOUR TOOLTIPS. They're helpful.
I have and its written for more of ppl who have some exp as a boomie.

As for me, never played caster/dot classes etc its very confusing/

Am I to just spawn Insect swarm and moonfire on single target and stand there and wait for dots to fall off ? or am I using wrath or something more inbetween ?

In multi target fights, you should be trying to keep moonfire/insect swarm up on as many targets as possible without overdoing it. The more targets you have them ticking on, the more times you can proc Shooting Stars, which is free starsurge casts.
I recently switched from resto to boomkin and am pretty well geared and have been gaining a lot of experience in Bg's and such. The best thing I can tell you to do is really learn and understand the extent of the druid class. There is so much to offer and many moves to be used. We dont have the dmg as some of the other casting classes but we have many things to our exposal, which for the druids who know how to use them, can really separate you from a decent player to a very skilled and useful team member. A quick mushroom drop and explosion has great dmg/slowing effects (if spec'd), natures grasp/cat form/moonkin then start spamming again. Roots/cast/typhoon/roots cast ---> cat form moonfire spam, cast etc. Kepp Fearie Fire up on rogues/feral druids and cyclone ur ass off. Diminishing returns keeps u at about 2 cyclones a person, the third cyclone is basically pointless, but switching targets with cyclones is a great way to disrupt them and even give u a few seconds to drop lifeblooms and then prepare a roots for when the cyclone ends. Lastly I would say one of the best things to use is your roots/beam of light. Root a healer/caster and when u see them casting drop beam of light, continuing dps'ing down whatever u were and then cyclone the caster/healer when they get out. There is a lot #%%@ we need to do beeing a casting class that isnt OP, but as someone said above, keeping dots up (MF/IS) helps starsurge proc a lot and with my gear I get regularly 20-25k crits with it and being able to kite well with that proc'ing often is quite nice. Keep practicing and really try to use all of the abilities u have to your advantage. We arent a 4 or 5 button class, so it takes some getting used to but once you have it down boomkins are fun as #%%@ to play

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