Saturday, April 14, 2012

Losing GCD's dropping mushrooms (Help)

[:1]Hey guys,

Since the current boss my guild is working on (Heroic Rhyo) is an AOE wet dream for moonkins, I have noticed that in the effort to drop my 3 shrooms down, I am wasting more than a gcd between the three of them, whether client lag, or in game latency (I raid with 200 latency). In a particle clustered environemnt (like 25 man rhyolith with 7-8 adds, and other mechanics, I personally find that I don't actually see the reticle,and just spam click shrooms on the ground, often accidentally hitting a "fourth" shroom before exploding, or sometimes due to lag, exploding at 2 shrooms.

Just wanted to check from some of my moonkin brethren if there is some secret macro or setting adjustment to lay shrooms in a clustered environment with high latency WITHOUT losing that gcd. In a high pressure environment like Heroic Rhyolith, it's vital that I try to min-max my dps, so any help would be much appreciated :)

Cheers all
I have the same issue. In a large clusster of adds, I will very often click an add instead of the ground, losing the reticule and forcing me to do it again. I try to cut the cast time down by assigning it to "1".
Not sure what you mean, dropping mushrooms is not off-gcd, you have no option but to use a GCD

I just tested, dropping 30 mushrooms took 38 seconds, which is about what you would expect (29 * 1.5 / 1.1673 for my haste rating = 37.2). Have 285ms world latency at the moment.

I can drop mushrooms fine out of combat, or in a normal environment without much activity.

The problem I'm having, and where I'd hope some moonkins would offer some help, is in a 25man raid in a high pressure situation, I'm struggling to drop my mushrooms without losing a GCD in between, so instead of 3GCDs, i'm using 4, or sometimes I prematurely explode my shrooms. Was wondering if there is a command to make the reticle more receptive to spamming, or if there's some alternative method to be efficient with mushrooms.
Hey guys,

Since the current boss my guild is working on (Heroic Rhyo) is an AOE wet dream for moonkins, I have noticed that in the effort to drop my 3 shrooms down, I am wasting more than a gcd between the three of them, whether client lag, or in game latency (I raid with 200 latency). In a particle clustered environemnt (like 25 man rhyolith with 7-8 adds, and other mechanics, I personally find that I don't actually see the reticle,and just spam click shrooms on the ground, often accidentally hitting a "fourth" shroom before exploding, or sometimes due to lag, exploding at 2 shrooms.

Just wanted to check from some of my moonkin brethren if there is some secret macro or setting adjustment to lay shrooms in a clustered environment with high latency WITHOUT losing that gcd. In a high pressure environment like Heroic Rhyolith, it's vital that I try to min-max my dps, so any help would be much appreciated :)

Cheers all

Try this?

/cast !wild mushroom

The "!" will not let you (usually) lose your reticule until you are ready to do so. It wrks for hurricane and treants as well.

/cast !wild mushroom

This works and if you use power auras you can make an aura to check if you have three planted.

Just use the "Totems" activation and "3" in the text box.
/cast !wild mushroom

This is what I use as well.

This works and if you use power auras you can make an aura to check if you have three planted.

Just use the "Totems" activation and "3" in the text box.

In addition to this. When I get home I can post my export of the aura.
It also shows the mushrooms you have planted, and their duration, under your unit frame (same place that paladin holy power is shown)

Version:4.21; icon:druid_ability_wildmushroom_a; buffname:3; x:-5; bufftype:19; owntex:true; inVehicle:0; size:0.15; y:-385; texmode:2; ismounted:0

That's the export for my mushroom aura. Basically, it pops up a little image of the mushroom icon once there are 3 mushrooms placed. Using this, along with the macro posted above so you can spam your button, is really nice.

I think I'll probably add this stuff to the sticky. Thanks for bringing it up, and hope it helps.

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